Genesis Body Morph Resource Kit 1 [commercial]

ThorneThorne Posts: 169

Introducing the Genesis Body Morph Resource Kit 1 by Handspan Studios and Thorne, with dozens of new body shaping morphs especially created for Genesis and the Genesis Basic Female body shapes. This kit includes 69 new body shaping morphs as listed below. This is a resource pack, which means these morph targets can be combined together and/or used with your own or taken into your modeling program to create your own custom body shapes for Genesis. A zeroing pose is also included for resetting just the Body Morph Kit 1 morphs. More Genesis Morph Target Resource packs to come!

Features 69 Unique Body Morphs for Genesis:

* 6 Breast Shaping Morphs
* 15 Chest Shaping Morphs
* 17 Hips/Glutes/Buttocks Shaping Morphs
* 7 Legs Shaping Morphs
* 5 Neck/Shoulder Shaping Morphs
* 12 Torso Shaping Morphs
* 2 Full-Body Combination Shaping Morphs
* 5 Female Genital Shaping Morphs

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Post edited by Thorne on


  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited June 2012

    Thorne said:
    This is a resource pack, which means these morph targets can be combined together and/or used with your own or taken into your modeling program to create your own custom body shapes for Genesis

    Does this mean that character presets can be created with these, saved as a single dial, and be distributed and not require the user to own these (iirc doing this with the daz genesis head/body morph kits is a no-no)?

    If so, is the same true for the 3 head resource kits as well?
    Post edited by Lissa_xyz on
  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited December 1969

    Vaskania said:
    Does this mean that character presets can be created with these, saved as a single dial, and be distributed and not require the user to own these (iirc doing this with the daz genesis head/body morph kits is a no-no)?

    If so, is the same true for the 3 head resource kits as well?

    Yes to all of the above. :) Certain restrictions do apply concerning redistribution "as is", generally the same as all resource kits. Using them to create and distribute your own custom characters is allowed and encouraged. ;)

  • Lissa_xyzLissa_xyz Posts: 6,116
    edited December 1969

    Nice. Thanks for responding. In the cart they go! :cheese:

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Very nice work, Thorne! I don't have your face morphs, but your body morphs are something very, very nice.

    Now, so far as I can tell, they're very good when used in combination with the basic genesis female. Is that the way they're meant to be used?

  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited December 1969

    Yes most of them are designed to be used with the Genesis Basic Female shape (those in the morph list with the "BF_ prefix), although they will work with other shapes as well, and some of them are generic for the base or any other shape. Thanks glad you like them!

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Okay, next question: so I want to distribute a figure based on these morphs. What method would you recommend to create that figure? Should I zero out the Genesis Basic Female, export the obj and load it back in as a morph? or is there another way of doing it?

  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited June 2012

    As with any resource kit, this assumes a working knowledge of the content creation tools. This is a short description of how to use the morphs to export and then import a morph OBJ to create a DAZ Studio .DSF file. It was supposed to be included in the Read Me file but I'm not sure if it was and I have not checked it. In any case, I expanded it and added nifty images so hopefully this will be useful.

    Images referenced are in order below- there is a 5 image limit per post so the last 2 images are in the next post. There might very well be a better way, but this is how I usually do it.

    Usage Notes:

    These morph injections load with limits set for best results. In general the morphs are intended for use at less than full strength. Setting the dial to maximum will allow you to see the effect of the morph, which may then be adjusted to suit your character. These morph targets have been optimized for minimum distortion.

    To create your own custom Genesis Body Morph target:

    1. Load and select the Genesis figure

    2. Under the Parameters Tab, use the drop down menu located in the top left corner of the tab, and select Zero:Zero Figure (see Figure 1)
    This does two things- first it removes all translations that DAZ Studio puts into the default loaded Genesis position, and secondly it turns OFF the mesh subdividing which will cause a geometry error if the created morph target has too many vertices. Check the SubDivision Level in the Parameters tab, under General:Mesh Resolution. Always be sure this SubDivision Level parameter is set to 0 or your morph target .OBJ will not import back into Genesis.

    3. Now create your new morph target using the Morph Kit Resource morph targets and any other custom morphs you have created using your modeling program and/or DAZ Studio D-Formers.

    4. export an .OBJ file with the File Menu:Export option. When the export dialog box appears, use the Poser template preset, and make sure all option boxes are UNCHECKED (unchecking all boxes will change the template name to "Custom" as seen in Figure 2).
    Also be sure that your Genesis figure is the ONLY object in the scene because the DAZ Studio export option will automatically export everything in the scene.

    4a. (CONDITIONAL) Exporting an .OBJ file here will export the exact shape of Genesis as it appears in your preview window. Therefore, any morph targets you do not wish to include as part of the final shape MUST BE TURNED OFF (ZERO) BEFORE EXPORTING. Alternately unwanted morphs may be removed upon importing as describe below in step 5e (advanced users).

    4b. (OPTIONAL) At this point save your development configuration as a DAZ scene file if you wish.

    5. Load a new Genesis figure. Using the DAZ Studio Morph Loader, now import the .OBJ morph you just exported, again using the Poser template.

    5a. Select the "Choose Morph Files" button and select your .OBJ file(s) which you just saved to disk (Figure 3).

    5b. Once this is done, click on the filename you just loaded to expand the import options for this file.

    5c. Double-clicking the Filename value will let you change the name of the morph target which will be displayed in the Genesis Shaping tab (Figure 4).

    5d. To change the Property Group location, right-clicking the displayed Property Group value which at this point will say "Morphs/Morph Loader" by default (Figure 4). Right clicking this name will give you a selection menu of all the property groups in the Genesis figure. You may then select the appropriate area in which to display your new morph, for example "Actor/Female/Real World".

    5e. (ALTERNATE for advanced users) To remove unwanted morphs upon import, for example if you exported your OBJ in step 4 above with the Basic Female shape set to a value of 1 and want to remove this from your final morph target, be sure to set the "Reverse Deformations" option in the import dialog box to "yes". Otherwise, this option should always be set to "no" (Figure 4).
    IMPORTANT: For this option to work you must be sure that the Genesis figure you are importing your custom morph into has the same additional morphs you want removed set to the same values as the morphs and values present when you exported the OBJ in the first place.

    6. Once the morph is loaded, find it in the chosen Property Group under the Shaping Tab. Click on the little gear icon next to the new morph parameter slider and select "Parameter Settings..." (Figure 5). Here you can set your default values, minimum and maximum limits, and other details regarding how you wish this morph dial to operate (Figure 6).

    To save your new morph target as a DAZ Studio DSF morph file:

    In the File menu, select "Save As:Support Asset:DSF Morph File" (Figure 7). When the dialog box appears, set your base folder and subfolder names, and select from the figure menu the exact morph target you wish to use to create the DSF morph file. Once saved in this way, any subsequent Genesis figure loaded will contain the new morph target. NOTE that your new morph will NOT appear in any previously saved Genesis .daz files.

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  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited October 2018

    Figures 6 and 7:

    TW Figure 6.jpg
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    TW Figure 7.jpg
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    Post edited by Thorne on
  • jade monkeyjade monkey Posts: 111
    edited December 1969

    awesome! i use your head morph packs all the time.
    and thanks for the mini tutorial, too!

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    Thank you, Thorne! Always admired your work! Excellent tutorial.

  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited June 2012

    You are most welcomed! :)

    Another tip for advanced users:

    If you have changed the shape enough to change the joint parameters, for example using the auto rigging tool as shown in the first image below (accessed by clicking on one of the bones), and/or if you have morphs or translations to control or be controlled by your custom morph, this can be done using the ERC Freeze function in the Property Editor box.

    Beyond this you're on your own, and good luck :)

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    Post edited by Thorne on
  • Fred Winkler ArtFred Winkler Art Posts: 795
    edited December 1969

    Thanks Chloé for this great tutorial. I have created a lot of characters in Poser before, using your face kits among others... but want to try my hands on a V5 character next. Ingrid (HandspanStudios) pointed me to this tutorial when I asked her if she knew of one for creating V5 INJ/REM's and it seems straight forward enough to create. Just a quick question once I've created the DSF morph, do I just rename it as the character INJ for my V5? And also how do I create the REM for that? Sorry for asking this question, but DAZ is all very new to me after having used poser for years to create Characters, but I just really want to work on a V5 character next and I hope you dont mind me asking this question. Thanks again for this great tutorial and for your amazing products. Fred :)

  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited July 2012

    Actually this is for creating the morph deltas as they will be contained in and used by the Genesis figure, it does not "turn on" the morph at all, as Genesis works differently in that regard. To do that, you will need to create a separate .DSF pose file. To simply turn on/off ("INJ/REM") a single morph target this is very easy:

    Morph ON complete .DSF file:

    {        "file_version" : "",        "asset_info" : {                "id" : "/Presets/Characters/YourFolder/YourCharacter/YourCharacter_ON.dsf",                "type" : "preset_shape",                "contributor" : {                        "author" : "Your Name",                        "email" : "[email protected]",                        "website" : "";                },                "revision" : "1.0",                "modified" : "see file date"        },        "pedigree" : [        ],        "scene" : {                "animations" : [                        {                                "url" : "#YourCharacter:?value",                                "keys" : [ [ 0, 1 ] ]                        }                ]        }}

    Morph OFF complete .DSF file:

    {        "file_version" : "",        "asset_info" : {                "id" : "/Presets/Characters/YourFolder/YourCharacter/YourCharacter_OFF.dsf",                "type" : "preset_shape",                "contributor" : {                        "author" : "Your Name",                        "email" : "[email protected]",                        "website" : "";                },                "revision" : "1.0",                "modified" : "see file date"        },        "pedigree" : [        ],        "scene" : {                "animations" : [                        {                                "url" : "#YourCharacter:?value",                                "keys" : [ [ 0, 0 ] ]                        }                ]        }}

    Of course you replace the file names and other contained info as appropriate.

    Regarding changing the file name and/or location for a .DSF morph file, these files are tricky and very precise- one character out of place and it won't work. To change the name and/or location of a morph target, you must do it consistently throughout the entire file.

    There is an "id" line at the top of the file that must contain the exact file name and path of the .DSF file. In this, as well as the other critical "id" line at the end of the file, any space characters must be represented with the hexadecimal equivalent [PERCENT]20 (actual percent sign followed by the number 20).

    Unfortunately, this forum's software interprets [PERCENT]20 as a space, even within the code function, so in the examples below replace [SPACE] with the actual percent sign followed by the number 20 instead.

    First 4 lines of .DSF morph target file:

            "file_version" : "",
            "asset_info" : {
                    "id" : "/data/DAZ[SPACE]3D/Genesis/Base/Morphs/Your[SPACE]Name/Product/Your[SPACE]Morph.dsf",

    There are two more lines in a section at the very end of the file where the name must also be changed if you edit the name after creation:

            "scene" : {
                    "modifiers" : [
                                    "id" : "Morph[SPACE]Name_0",
                                    "url" : "#Morph Name"

    note that in the "url" line a space can be used and [PERCENT]20 is not needed. Anyway that should get you through the basics of creating a new morph for Genesis and a couple of pose files for turning the morph on and off. Good luck! :)

    Post edited by Thorne on
  • Fred Winkler ArtFred Winkler Art Posts: 795
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for that Chloé, that's fantastic. GIves me plenty to play with and to learn. Would you mind if I came back if I get stuck at all, which I don't think I will be now, but just in case I do? Thanks again and have a fantastic week. :)

  • Steel77Steel77 Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    Hi, for this product the Compatible software list shows DSON Importer for Poser so I assumed I could use these morphs using Genesis in Poser, however, I don't seem to be able to, is this correct?

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    If you install these and then load a fresh Genesis in Poser you should see the new dials.

  • Steel77Steel77 Posts: 2
    edited December 2012

    Hi, thanks, but I can see the new dials, however, sliding them does nothing to the figure at all.

    Edit: Ah, I rebooted my PC and relaunched poser and a new Genesis, and the dials now work fine. Thanks for your help.

    Post edited by Steel77 on
  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,331
    edited December 1969

    You totally R O C K ! ! !
    Handspan Studios as well!
    I have always been a big BIG fan of your incredibly sweet character shapes and texture options.
    This new resource packs are fantastic! The subtle nuances that they allow within Genesis (and 2) is something that (I feel) no serious Genesis user should ever be without! Okay, you probably already know all that Jazz - which is likely why you make them - so I really just wanted to say that stuff as a precursor to my saying the following:
    Thank You! Thank You so much for the constant super-high quality. It's so nice to be able to faithfully make purchases every single time I see your name listed! For my very happy rendering, Thank You! Big Fan!

  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited December 1969

    oh wow Thank You for your nice comments! I'm very glad you like them ;)

  • Lori_TLori_T Posts: 0
    edited September 2013

    Dartanbeck wrote:

    You totally R O C K ! ! !
    Handspan Studios as well!
    I have always been a big BIG fan of your incredibly sweet character shapes and texture options.
    This new resource packs are fantastic! The subtle nuances that they allow within Genesis (and 2) is something that (I feel) no serious Genesis user should ever be without! Okay, you probably already know all that Jazz - which is likely why you make them - so I really just wanted to say that stuff as a precursor to my saying the following:
    Thank You! Thank You so much for the constant super-high quality. It's so nice to be able to faithfully make purchases every single time I see your name listed! For my very happy rendering, Thank You! Big Fan!

    I totally agree with Dartanbecks comments. . . .
    Post edited by Lori_T on
  • ThorneThorne Posts: 169
    edited December 1969

    :) Thanks guys :)

  • Daywalker DesignsDaywalker Designs Posts: 3,586
    edited December 1969

    Fantastic tutorial there, Thorne. And thanks for the other little tidbits you provided as well.

  • 3dLux3dLux Posts: 1,225
    edited December 1969

    I have all your resource kits :) And thanks to your tutorial was able to make a working morph :cheese:

    Now I have to figure out how to Zero position the figure :red:

  • assmonkeyassmonkey Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Know this is a bit older...but I was wondering if you can post a bundle of the kits for Genesis

    I saw you already started to post up kids for Genesis 2, so I'm guessing no more Genesis kits are coming out

    Just a thought, I like the idea of just having a bundle of them all, so I don't have to worry about missing 1 when I check out

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,562
    edited December 1969

    I'm curious if more are coming as I am currently searching these resource kits and don't see any for male morphs, only female.

  • Scott LivingstonScott Livingston Posts: 4,340
    edited December 1969

    I'm curious if more are coming as I am currently searching these resource kits and don't see any for male morphs, only female.

    There's this one for Genesis males: Genesis Body Morph Resource Kit 2 (also contains head morphs). All the Genesis Head Morph kits work well with males too, even though they were designed with the female shape in mind.

    I'm hopeful that Thorne and Handspan Studios will be releasing more kits, including some for Genesis 2 Male as there aren't any of those yet. :)

  • Faeryl WomynFaeryl Womyn Posts: 3,562
    edited December 1969

    I was wondering about that...thank you for the information.

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