Realistic Pressure Query

What is the best way to go about making skin (boobs) react to touch in a realistic manner, or even an exaggerated? Do you adjust parameters indivdually as best you can and then match the object to the shape of the skin...(boobs)? Please indulge me...What are all the different possible ways to do this?
Post edited by OminousAutumn on
Maybe this could do the job but I don't have it to know for sure.
You could just say brasts. or soft tissue (it isn't really skin that you are asking about) if you want to be coy. In any event, if you mean touch from a finger then there isn't really enough mesh resolution to work with - switch to a preview mode that shows the wires (ctrl(Win)/cmd(Mac) 8 for example will give lines over the texture) - only the solid lines are "real", and only the points at which they cross can be affected by direct mesh manipulation (DForm, or manipulating an exported OBJ and importing as a morph). Displacement is an option, that can work on the SubD mesh in Iray or can be arbitrarily fine in 3Delight, but that would be very awkward to do.
thank you both. :)
Can you please explain this in more detail if thats possible? Don't know what you mean. Might be worth a try and i'd like to learn what you're talking about anyhow.
A displacement map is a gretscale image which is interpreted as height information - it moves the mesh in or out according to the values set for the surface. So, in principle, you could paint the dents in the flesh black or darkishs hades of grey with a gradient to white around them, assign that map to Displacement Strength, and then set the minimum displacement to the depth of the deepest dent and the maximum to 0 - at render time (but not in preview) the skin would be moved in for the dents, though as I said in Iray you would need to experiment with the Render SubD value on the figure to get enough rsolution without overloading memory.
Here is a new way of asking: When you put a models hand against her own brast, a) does the mesh really interact with other mesh i.e. pressure? b) and if so, to what extent (if measurable)?
No, DS does not have tools for that and the figure does not have sufficient resolution to show finger-sized dents there even if it did (perhaps by using carefully weight-mapped dForms parented to the fingers).
Thank you.
"Brasts" -- I think that was just a typo. We can say breasts here!
The ideal way to do this is by "painting" in the deformation. It's something Poser can do, but D|S cannot. The other methods such as displacements and deformers are potential workarounds, but can take serious time to create and make look right. Most vendors of this type of thing use external sculpting tools, and bring the morphs back into D|S.
If the resolution was there in the mesh applying a push modifier and painting on a weight map would work here, I think.
I might be doing it clumsily, but I can never get it to work well even with 15 minutes of futzing. I'm probably not doing it right. Is there a video somewhere that demonstrates it for this specific type of thing?
I don't think so.