Thank you Britney and Daz Customer Support

I just wanted to say a huge thank you. In the excitement of the Supersuit release I purchased the Pro Suite without carefully checking everything that was in it. Once I received it I discovered I had half the items that were different from the Pro Bundle to the Pro Suite and the other half I really didn't need for the cost. So fo the first time ever I put in a ticket for a refund. Since the Pro Bundle was going off sale today, I decided that whether the refund was issued yet or not today I would purchase the Bundle.
Well I came home from from work today to find that I had the sale reversed and the refund was issued as requested so I put the Pro Bundle, Mardi Gras textures and masks into my cart and found I had no way to check out. If I did manage to get to a checkout page there was an error saying the items were no longer saleable. I tried several things (removing, re-adding, logging in and out, clearing all temp files etc to no avail. So I picked up the phone and called Daz. I was connected immediately to Britney who very nicely helped me get my order put through and made sure everything was cleared up. She was very pleasant in what must be a very harried environment right now with all the issues being experienced.
I just want to say thank you for that :-)
I had the same exact problem today. I guess I should've called. Glad it all got fixed for you.
Thank you for posting something positive in these times of strife and angst!
seconded :)
Isn't Britney great? It's not just her, there are several DAZzlers who routinely go a few extra miles to make right whatever's going wrong. Thanks guys, much appreciated!
Isn't Britney great? It's not just her, there are several DAZzlers who routinely go a few extra miles to make right whatever's going wrong. Thanks guys, much appreciated!
I agree.
Perhaps we should start a campaign to make Britany the CEO.
Employee of the year, with some bonus.
She fixed my (twice-clicked) order as well (to once-bought). Got store credits and spent them to get the Orca (due to FirstBastion's Breaking Waves).
I'll add my appreciation! Every time I have a ticket Britney has been prompt, courteous, and helpful. I'm glad this thread exists...I'm sure she and her co-workers have been under a lot of stress recently.