Figure placement

CyberDogCyberDog Posts: 232
edited December 1969 in Daz Studio Discussion

I have searched and did find an answer so forgive me if this has been asked before.
Is there a way to edit where a figure is placed into a scene when adding new figures? I am working on a large scene and find it tedious to have to move figures large distances every time I add a figure or object. I have found that double clicking, drag and drop or import always adds the figure in the same spot. Life would be so much easier if the figure came into the active view or if I could select a spot to add.


  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited February 2013

    As far as I know there is no way to change the default drop location. That said, you can quickly move figures by typing coordinates directly into the X and Z translate boxes under Parameters.

    Post edited by Herald of Fire on
  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    As far as I know there is no way to change the default drop location. That said, you can quickly move figures by typing coordinates directly into the X and Z translate boxes under Parameters.

    HAH!!!! I have a solution for you!!!! and it is quite simple!

    Here's the best way I can think of to easily place figures.

    create a NULL for each figure you wish to place in the scene, and name those nulls accordingly. Place each null where you wish the figure to be by altering ONLY its X and Z coordinates (or the Y coordinate, if you want it elevated or lowered.

    Call up your figure.

    Parent that figure TO the appropriate NULL.

    ZERO that figure's X, Y and Z coordinates and VOYOLAY... instant placement.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,999
    edited February 2013

    wancow said:
    As far as I know there is no way to change the default drop location. That said, you can quickly move figures by typing coordinates directly into the X and Z translate boxes under Parameters.

    HAH!!!! I have a solution for you!!!! and it is quite simple!

    Here's the best way I can think of to easily place figures.

    create a NULL for each figure you wish to place in the scene, and name those nulls accordingly. Place each null where you wish the figure to be by altering ONLY its X and Z coordinates (or the Y coordinate, if you want it elevated or lowered.

    Call up your figure.

    Parent that figure TO the appropriate NULL.

    ZERO that figure's X, Y and Z coordinates and VOYOLAY... instant placement.

    That's a great tip that I didn't understand until now with your through explanation, wancow! Thank you.

    I was playing around with this method and found that you can control where the null is placed based on the current View Selection such as default camera, front, back, perspective, etc. If I select the default camera and move the camera to around where I want to place the figure. Create a new null and select "Apply Active Viewport Transforms: " Where active viewport is the current View Selection". The null will be created close to current view in the current viewport. Parent the figure to the null and reset the figure to xyz of 0,0,0 to move the figure to the null. Tweak the null's location to place the figure to it's desired location.

    Post edited by Lindsey on
  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,886
    edited December 1969

    On a PC hold down Alt and drag your figure from the content library tab to the viewport, a target will appear under your mouse pointer, move it around until your happy with where it's located, then let go of the left mouse button to load the figure at your chosen location.

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 1,999
    edited December 1969

    EXCELLENT!!! Thanks for the tip!

  • kitakoredazkitakoredaz Posts: 3,526
    edited December 1969

    I hope ds have more useful target loading system.

    I can drug and decide target with holding alt key, but once quit holding mouce ,never change target place.
    while deciding target place, we can not change view . can not rotate view, can not zoom out or zoom in.

    And we can not move the target disc to Y direction.

    DS is 3D aprication,, why ? we are not human living in 2 dimension world .

    Loading items on target place is so basic function that I often forget to request improve it,,
    but DS must need to be improved.:roll:


    MY REQUEST as FUTURE option

    make tool "smart loading target" and icon with short cut (eg Alt + L).

    and in 3d view , R-click can access "create (reflesh) smart loading target"

    mouce cursor change to disc cursor..

    move mouce to decide target postion. left click , drop -off (create) the disc smart loading target.
    or reflesh the disc positon.(if there is already loading disc in the scene)

    we can change the disc postion X, Y, Z in tool setting tab.
    and set invsible or visble. we can drug the disc too.

    when we load some items or figure,,,if there is smart loading target in the scene.
    the items load on the disc positon . (World Transforms x,y, z value )

  • Herald of FireHerald of Fire Posts: 3,504
    edited February 2013

    wancow said:
    As far as I know there is no way to change the default drop location. That said, you can quickly move figures by typing coordinates directly into the X and Z translate boxes under Parameters.

    HAH!!!! I have a solution for you!!!! and it is quite simple!

    Here's the best way I can think of to easily place figures.

    create a NULL for each figure you wish to place in the scene, and name those nulls accordingly. Place each null where you wish the figure to be by altering ONLY its X and Z coordinates (or the Y coordinate, if you want it elevated or lowered.

    Call up your figure.

    Parent that figure TO the appropriate NULL.

    ZERO that figure's X, Y and Z coordinates and VOYOLAY... instant placement.

    You still have to position all of the nulls though, so it's still not quite as much of a shortcut as one would prefer.
    On a PC hold down Alt and drag your figure from the content library tab to the viewport, a target will appear under your mouse pointer, move it around until your happy with where it's located, then let go of the left mouse button to load the figure at your chosen location.
    Best. Tip. Ever. This will save a TON of time. Thanks guys.
    Post edited by Herald of Fire on
  • Arnold CArnold C Posts: 740
    edited December 1969

    Bejaymac said:
    On a PC hold down Alt and drag your figure from the content library tab to the viewport, a target will appear under your mouse pointer, move it around until your happy with where it's located, then let go of the left mouse button to load the figure at your chosen location.

    Thanks a lot, didn't know that! Very helpful!
    Geez, where's the "like" button if you really want one? :)

  • wancowwancow Posts: 2,708
    edited December 1969

    You still have to position all of the nulls though, so it's still not quite as much of a shortcut as one would prefer.

    It's true, yes. But here's the advantage. I began using this method in DzFire's old warehouse which has multiple levels to it. Placing the null on the local ground makes the figure arrive exactly on the ground, not floating above it or under it or wherever. I know there is a script that will place items on the ground, but in certain instances, especially a figure with shoes on, that figure will not be standing directly on the ground anyway.

    Here's another item:

    When I set up a figure, I parent the figure, the figure's clothing and the figure's hair to a null, stand that figure on the ground and have that null at zero, zero, zero so I know exactly where the figure is standing. I use that null to find the placement null. The figure, clothing and hair are all saved as a Scene Subset so that I don't have to dress them up every time.

    Nulls are like my favourite thing ever! They're sooo useful! :) :) :)

  • CyberDogCyberDog Posts: 232
    edited December 1969

    It looks like I am not the only one who needed help with this.
    Thank you everyone for your help. This should make things much easier.

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