In Search Of a Jaguar and a Wolf for DS

Please leave links for some real nice wolf and Jaguar figures that look good in Daz Studio,
Some example renders would be nice too,
Thanks in advance !
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Please leave links for some real nice wolf and Jaguar figures that look good in Daz Studio,
Some example renders would be nice too,
Thanks in advance !
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If your computer can handle them:
The Milinium Big Cat Bundle has this in it. See image. I think a wolf is in the store also.
There's a wolf morph for the Milinium Dog, with three textures. The old Zygote wolf is fairly ancient, the Mil Dog wolf is better, and the AM Wolf is best -- if your computer can handle him. Note: You *can* use the AM wolf without the fur.
I don't have this wolf, so I can't speak for it personally, but I have a couple of other animals by 9mbi that are nice:
Edit: Here's a quick load and render of his Red Fox in DS4 with Inane Glory lights - I did have to adjust the specularity of the body. The fur loads separately and takes a while to render - this was a 8 minute render
There are really nice morphs & textures here & they are free! You need the Mil Cat for the Juagar & the Poser Wolf to use these-