Previewing .DUF scene library in DAZ4
I seem to remember back with DAZ 3, that someone made a script to be able to preview scenes when opening the scene library in DAZ. Now that I have DAZ 4 (and a different file format) I can no longer see previews/thumbnails of the scene before I open it within DAZ. Am I missing a setting, or is there a script to fix this please?
EDIT: Looks like I have a temporary workaround by viewing the files in Photoshop Bridge, but it would be helpful to be able to do this natively in DAZ.
Many thanks!

duf preview.png
341 x 223 - 20K
Post edited by Joltrast on
In DAZ Studio 4 thumbnails are created automatically when you save a scene, based upon the image showing in the viewport. These thumbnails are named similarly to the names given the scene files and are stored with them - i.e. Vega.duf would have an accompanying Vega.duf.png thumbnail file, and the thumbnails should display when browsing your scene files in the Content Library in DAZ Studio. If you have scene files that lack these thumbnails, you could create them manually, or you could open the scenes in DAZ Studio then resave them using the same name and the thumbnails should be created automatically. Just remember to frame what you want to appear in the thumbnail in the viewport.
It's weird, when I view them outside of DAZ I can see the thumbnails, but if I open the same folder in DAZ I don't see them.
Where are you looking in DS?
The thumbnails are already there and I can see them in Windows Explorer, I just can't see them if I open that folder in DAZ.
Ah, I think I understand what you are doing, now. You are referring to using the File > Open command from the menu bar? If so, I can't recall being able to preview thumbnails from the pop-up dialogue there. The thumbnails show "outside DAZ Studio" in Windows Explorer because it is showing all the contents of those folders, including the .png files, but the DAZ Studio dialogue only displays the scene files that can be opened (.duf), which is what you are asking it to do. I had thought that you were referring to being able to see the thumbnails displayed for scenes under the Content Library tab. You do know that you can open your scenes by double-clicking on the icons in the latter, right?
The thumbnails are already there and I can see them in Windows Explorer, I just can't see them if I open that folder in DAZ.
I actually forgot I could do that! Thanks!
In earlier versions of Daz3D Studio, you could select "All Files" when selecting file type which allowed you to use the .PNG as a crude way of previewing the .DUF file.
I kinda liked the feature because the built-in Scene tab only displays the thubmnails at 91x91 which is too small for my aging eyes.
The tool-tip will display a larger image, if they are turned on and you hovere the mouse over the thumbnail.