The Mac FAQ



  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    edited June 2021

    namffuak said:

    IIRC there was some mention a long time ago that the Qt4 implementation being used supports a "compatability layer" that can handle some Qt3 calls that are still in use in Studio - and Qt5 does not have the Qt3 compatability. So the upgrade would be a double upgrade, cleaning out Qt3 and then updating to Qt5. And the assortment of encrypted scripts and plugins written by deceased PAs will all break with the only way forward on them being recreating them from scratch.

    Mentioning that scripts will be broken, does this refer to clicking on a pose and setting that pose on a figure? Or, is this only scripts that are bought separately and accessed through a scripts folder? Also, how about artists such as atrilliongames, who have some special pose files that permit setting two figures into a combo pose and even altering slightly the dimensions and joints of the figures: would such pose files be broken?

    Post edited by inquire on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    Scripts and plugins that you add to DS. Plugins 100&, Scripts most probably.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Thanks, Totte. I was concerned mainly about this artist: atrilliongames, because he uses special poses, somehow, which involve bone translations in addition to bone rotations. In addition, he allows pairs of either gender to be used for his poses. And, he allows mirror poses. He also allows poses to be swaped, in the case where two figures are involved and the user of the pose would like to switch the poses applied to each figure. Those aren't the usual ways in which poses would work. So, I'm wondering if such poses would be broken.

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  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    inquire said:

    Thanks, Totte. I was concerned mainly about this artist: atrilliongames, because he uses special poses, somehow, which involve bone translations in addition to bone rotations. In addition, he allows pairs of either gender to be used for his poses. And, he allows mirror poses. He also allows poses to be swaped, in the case where two figures are involved and the user of the pose would like to switch the poses applied to each figure. Those aren't the usual ways in which poses would work. So, I'm wondering if such poses would be broken.

    That is a script, if it is a .dsa file, (unencrypted) it is easy for any scriptmaker to fix, if not, you're in trouble unless the original author can fix it. 

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    edited June 2021

    Those are all .dse files, not .duf, though. There are also .tip files, so that one can get a larger view of what the poses are before applying them. I don't see any .dsa files. Are .dse files encrypted? At least, atrilliongames is active and still producing poses. So, if the pose scripts are broken by the next version of DAZ Studio, he (or they) should be able to fix them.

    Post edited by inquire on
  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    inquire said:

    Those are all .dse files, not .duf, though. There are also .tip files, so that one can get a larger view of what the poses are before applying them. I don't see any .dsa files. Are .dse files encrypted? At least, atrilliongames is active and still producing poses. So, if the pose scripts are broken by the next version of DAZ Studio, he (or they) should be able to fix them.

    .dse = Dazstudio Script Encrypted 

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    edited June 2021

    OK. Thanks. An inbox message from the creator of the products says that they intend to fix their scripts if they fail to work after the update. OK, so that's encouraging.

    Post edited by inquire on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    I used to have a Scripts menu up at the top of DAZ Studio. It's disappeared. Don't know why. But is there some simple command to get it back? Any chance the script links I had in there will come back with it? If not, I guess I'll have to add them again.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    Sometimes when updating it fails, try to do update menus 

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Update and Merge Menus? Nope. Didn't do it. Not the first time the Scripts menu has disappeared.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    inquire said:

    Update and Merge Menus? Nope. Didn't do it. Not the first time the Scripts menu has disappeared.

    The hardcore method is to edit action.dsx file, but not on a computer in another haft week so cannot guide you. 

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    OK. Thanks for responding. Maybe later, then.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    Right-click on a file in a content pane>Create Custom Action will add the Scripts menu if it isn't there. You can also use Window>Workspace>Customise and add a Scripts menu in the menus tab on the right by right-click on Main Menus, then is your previous entries are still under Custom Actions on the elft you can just drag them across. Of course if you wish Totte to get hardcore don't let me stand in the way.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Thanks. Well, I've got the Scripts Menu now because one of the products, Gen3 to Gen8 Pose Corrector and Converter, has an option to place links to the Scripts from the Scripts Folder into the Scripts Menu. But, I still have other products in my Scripts Folder for which there is no such option. I think they were put in the Scripts Menu originally with the DAZ Instal Module (DIM). Is there a way I can place those other Scripts into the Scripts Menu, without having to unistall and reinstall them?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    inquire said:

    Thanks. Well, I've got the Scripts Menu now because one of the products, Gen3 to Gen8 Pose Corrector and Converter, has an option to place links to the Scripts from the Scripts Folder into the Scripts Menu. But, I still have other products in my Scripts Folder for which there is no such option. I think they were put in the Scripts Menu originally with the DAZ Instal Module (DIM). Is there a way I can place those other Scripts into the Scripts Menu, without having to unistall and reinstall them?

    Have you still got them in the Custom group on the left of Window>Workspace>Customise?

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Yes, I do see them there. Is there a Command-something I could use to place them into the current Scripts Menu?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    inquire said:

    Yes, I do see them there. Is there a Command-something I could use to place them into the current Scripts Menu?

    On the right pf that dialogue have the menus tab open, expand the main Menus then Scripts. Now you can drag the commands across from the list on the left into the menu on the right. Click Accept when done

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    OK, I got it! Thank you very much, Richard for all those instructions. 

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    About the release of DAZ Studio 5 and it's being able to run on Macs with the M1 chip and in Big Sur:

  • Well hallelujah praise the Lord!

    At this point, I'll take what I can get. For all my griping, grousing, and general sourness... thank you. Thank you for finally listen to us Mac users.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited July 2021

    Panzer Emerald said:

    Well hallelujah praise the Lord!

    At this point, I'll take what I can get. For all my griping, grousing, and general sourness... thank you. Thank you for finally listen to us Mac users.

    I think they've always been listening to Mac users; if you look at the fact that we're getting a pre-beta, not a beta, it helps underscore just how incredibly huge an undertaking updating to DAZ 5 is, and how we'll have the pre-beta (hopefully) in the next month but probably won't see final release of D|S 5 until close to year-end. Even so, giving us just that bit of news to keep Mac users hopeful has already resulted in over 10 forum pages of questions, speculaton, arguements about speculation and so on... that tells me why they're so reluctant to offer us a status report without having something more concrete to report. 

     I've been both vocal and even a little testy with poor Richard at times from the frustration of pausing projects plans for lack of a status update. Like you, I'm very happy to have a ballpark ETA for even the pre-beta. I never normally touch Beta releases as I just don't have enough spare time to help; in this case, I've already set up a machine specifically to start testing the Mac versiion of D|S with Filament as soon as I can.

    -- Walt Sterdan

    Post edited by wsterdan on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    Panzer Emerald said:

    Well hallelujah praise the Lord!

    At this point, I'll take what I can get. For all my griping, grousing, and general sourness... thank you. Thank you for finally listen to us Mac users.

    The update has been a work in progress for quite some time, I believe - it isn't a matter of suddenly deciding to do something.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252
    edited July 2021

    Why is Monterey being listed as OS 12? Shouldn't it be 11.1 or 11.2? Is it going to be so different from Big Sur that there might be a problem running DS 5 on it? It's on Mac Rumors, by the way, that Monterey is called OS 12. Is that incorrect?

    Post edited by inquire on
  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    inquire said:

    Why is Monterey being listed as OS 12? Shouldn't it be 11.1 or 11.2? Is it going to be so different from Big Sur that there might be a problem running DS 5 on it? It's on Mac Rumors, by the way, that Monterey is called OS 12. Is that incorrect?

    I assume Apple feels the overall change from Big Sur to Monterey is large enough to make it OS 12, and yes, that's the correct name/number. If D|S 5 will run on Big Sur, it should hopefully run on Monterey, but we won't know until we get there. The major changes made to modernize D|S  with version 5 should (I hope) make keeping the software easier to maintain as new versions of both Windows and Macintosh operating systems evolve. As always, expect the worst but hope for the best. wink

    -- Walt Sterdan

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    Yikes! That's so fast, isn't it? I wasn't expecting OS 12 for years.

    Were there problems with OS 11? What are the large changes to make it OS 12?

    More importantly, is the DAZ development team aware of this? Has Apple itself communicated with people who were trying to update their applicaitons so that those applications would run on OS 11? Now, if there's a big change, would those revised applications no longer run? This could be the worst, but I hope not. I don't want to be pessimistic, but who among us was expecting a large change so soon?

    For example, running Catalina, I'm on 10.15.7; so, there were 15 different versions of OS 10, all with different names, and this is the 7th update of version 15. Again, I'm completely taken aback. I thought that MacRumors must have been mistaken.

  • I don't think version numbers mean that much. If Apple goes with 12, it's because they decided decimal increases were for OSX, not MacOS.

    This is going to be a weird update for me—usually, I update a month or two after a new version is released, but with Daz not having support ready, I haven't updated to 11. And I probably won't update this computer (2017 16" MBP)—I'll wait until the 16" M1/1X/2 MBPs are released, wo I'm going to skip a release entirely in for the first time as a Mac owner—all the way back to OS 8.1.

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419
    edited July 2021

    inquire said:

    Yikes! That's so fast, isn't it? I wasn't expecting OS 12 for years.

    Were there problems with OS 11? What are the large changes to make it OS 12?

    More importantly, is the DAZ development team aware of this? Has Apple itself communicated with people who were trying to update their applicaitons so that those applications would run on OS 11? Now, if there's a big change, would those revised applications no longer run? This could be the worst, but I hope not. I don't want to be pessimistic, but who among us was expecting a large change so soon?

    For example, running Catalina, I'm on 10.15.7; so, there were 15 different versions of OS 10, all with different names, and this is the 7th update of version 15. Again, I'm completely taken aback. I thought that MacRumors must have been mistaken.

    I don't think you need to worry or be taken aback. There are over 100 changes to the operating system (last time I counted) and while it probably creates a big enough change overall to justify the significant number change, most of them appear to have nothing to do with code that might affect DAZ Studio. As well, yes, I've very sure the DAZ team is aware of Monterey but as Monterey won't be released for months and the full, official  DAZ release isn't due until "near the very end of the year" it gives the DAZ team a month or more *after* Monterey is released to work with it if they don't have time to start working with the beta before that.

    I really don't think you should be concerned at this point at all.

    If you're really interested in what changes are being made in Monterey, there's lots of information out there, like this:

    -- Walt Sterdan

    Post edited by wsterdan on
  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    @wsterday: Thanks for the link to information about what's going on with Monterey.

  • inquireinquire Posts: 2,252

    From time to time, my DIM stops working, as it did today. Anyone know what's going on? I had filed a ticket last time it happened, but by the time someone got back to me, DIM was working again.

  • Found this thread, and at the risk of duplicating my question, I downloaded DIM onto my M1 Mac Mini, but the OS refuses to run the executable because it can't verify the publisher. I know nothing aboujt Macs. What am I doing wrong?

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