Help - how to apply a shader definition via script?

CrescentCrescent Posts: 326

I modified a script to loop through every material in a scene, removes all bump and displacement maps as well as setting the strength value to 0. I want to also have it apply the default DAZ matte shader to each material.  The matte shader is [DS installation path]\scripts\support\DAZ\shaderDefinitions\surface\dzmatteDef.dsa  There was a post a long while back where someone claimed to have done it but the script they posted doesn't work.  (It's missing part of their for loop, which I was able to fix, but the rest still didn't work - maybe a version issue?)

Could someone help with this?  



// DAZ Studio version 3.0  filetype DAZ Script
// Adopted from a script by mCasual/Jacques
// public domain
// what this script does:
// Go through the materials in the scene.
// Sets the Displacement and Bump Map strength for all materials to 0 and removes the associated maps.

processAllNodes( setProps );

function processAllNodes( func )
    var nodeList = Scene.getNodeList();
    var numNodes = nodeList.length;
    for( var i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
        var node = nodeList[i];
        var object = node.getObject();
        if( object )
            var shape = object.getCurrentShape();
            if( shape )
                var materialList = shape.getAllMaterials();
                var numMaterials = materialList.length;
                for( j = 0; j < numMaterials; j++ )
                    var material = materialList[j];
                    func( material )
function setProps( material )
    zeroProp( material, "Bump Strength" );
    zeroProp( material, "Displacement Strength" );

function zeroProp( material, propName )
    var prop = material.findProperty( propName );
    prop.setValue( 0 )

Post edited by Crescent on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,561

    Try saving a legacy materials preset - that should still, as I recall, have the code for applying a shader. You could also look at older .dsa materials presets (or shader presets) if I'm wrong and that function has been subsumed into the DzPresetHelper object.

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