Is there a major difference between Bryce 5 and Bryce 7 pro?

Lobo3433Lobo3433 Posts: 30
edited December 1969 in Bryce Discussion

I am following the Great Hall tutorial that I purchased here on Daz And seems the tutorial is from Bryce 5 but figured it should not be that different to do with in 7 but just getting thru the first steps of making a Column and making sure I went thru the step and checked the settings on each object that it is set correctly my test render result is no where identical to the test render should look like so wonder if there is some difference between the two apps that would be a reason as to why my results do not match the tutorial results?



  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    The difference between Bryce 5 and Bryce 7 are mostly enhancements to the lighting options.

    If yours looks totally different from the example you are following, it's most likely down to your render settings (assuming you haven't altered the default lighting).

    It would help if you could post a comparison of your render to the one you're following and maybe a screen grab of your render settings.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537
    edited December 1969

    Generally, everything ,made in an earlier version of Bryce (except betas) should work fine in Bryce 7.1. Materials may look different under the light. A lot has improved but the shape of the columns should be the same as in the tutorial. I've also followed some Bryce 4 tutorials and they worked for me.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,388
    edited December 1969

    I'm learning Bryce using Robin Wood's tutorials without any problems and these are based Bryce 5

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537
    edited December 1969

    They are great, Robin's tutes! By the way, I also have a few on my website (see sig) based on Bryce 5 to 6.

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,388
    edited December 1969

    You sure have lots of cool stuff on your site. I visit often

  • Lobo3433Lobo3433 Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    Seems if I am not mistaken the cylinders are set to negative to perform a Boolean function and for some reason they are not as you will see from the example render I am posting what it should look like and what it is rendering. I had to reinstall Bryce because it was acting weird freezing up and crashing and I even after a reinstall I am still getting the same results. I have been so frustrated to learn how to use Bryce and even Carrara due to all the difficulties I have had when following tutorials to learn these products that I bought way before they were being given away for free. Seems the only product from Daz that I have not had any issues with learning from tutorials is Hexagon and that is supposed to be the buggiest one from all of Daz’s product line. Sorry if starting to sound like a rant but have spent enough on Daz products that in reflection could have saved enough to buy Zbrush or C4D

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  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited February 2013

    Did this very quickly. set the cylinders to negative the cubes to positive select all objects and group them

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    Post edited by Chohole on
  • Lobo3433Lobo3433 Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    After numerous tries and not getting it to work uninstalled Bryce and reinstalled it one final time started from scratch one more time and finally got the result that I was supposed to get. Not sure if I will even try to finish the rest of this tutorial due to all the frustration just trying to get one silly simple column done. I appreciate everyone’s attempts at helping but with all the grief and headache this has caused not sure continuing to try and learn Bryce or Carrara is worth the effort. Hell Hexagon and Blender have given me far less trouble than Bryce and Carrara seems like wasted time and money for to supposedly decent software packages that I seem not able to grasp at all. :-S

  • mermaid010mermaid010 Posts: 5,388
    edited February 2013

    After numerous tries and not getting it to work uninstalled Bryce and reinstalled it one final time started from scratch one more time and finally got the result that I was supposed to get. Not sure if I will even try to finish the rest of this tutorial due to all the frustration just trying to get one silly simple column done. I appreciate everyone’s attempts at helping but with all the grief and headache this has caused not sure continuing to try and learn Bryce or Carrara is worth the effort. Hell Hexagon and Blender have given me far less trouble than Bryce and Carrara seems like wasted time and money for to supposedly decent software packages that I seem not able to grasp at all. :-S

    I feel sad reading your post. I gave up on Bryce a few years ago because I got frustrated and regretted it ever since.

    From my personal experience, don't aim for perfection and realism from the outset. If something does not work out in one tutorial, leave that and try something else using another tutorial. Bryce-info has lots of tutorials. Try different things just to get a feel for the program. So what if you have a bent column or a alien sky, the object is to have fun.

    A Bonus - the members of this forum are so helpful.

    I don't know anything about Carrara but I love Bryce although I still have to make a good landscape scene.

    There's the link to bryce-info

    I hope you will reconsider.

    Post edited by mermaid010 on
  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited December 1969

    After numerous tries and not getting it to work uninstalled Bryce and reinstalled it one final time started from scratch one more time and finally got the result that I was supposed to get. Not sure if I will even try to finish the rest of this tutorial due to all the frustration just trying to get one silly simple column done. I appreciate everyone’s attempts at helping but with all the grief and headache this has caused not sure continuing to try and learn Bryce or Carrara is worth the effort. Hell Hexagon and Blender have given me far less trouble than Bryce and Carrara seems like wasted time and money for to supposedly decent software packages that I seem not able to grasp at all. :-S

    I understand totally how you feel and I even had similar problems when I did the Great Hall Tutorial. I came to realize (and I'm not saying this is the case for you) that my problems was from rushing thru things and not paying close enough attention to the directions. So I would encourage you to stick with it on the hope that when you finish you'll feel like I did which was that I actually learned quite a bit. Unfortunately some programs are just harder to learn then others but the more difficult ones usually tend to be capable of much more then the easier ones. You mention that Blender and Hexagon were easier but that's not really a fair comparrison as they are not the same thing as Bryce or Carrara. I'm not sure about Carrara as I've not used it much but I know Bryce can do some modeling but I don't feel it's fair to call it a modeling program. Blender and Hexagon are modelers but there is a ton of things Bryce and Carrara can do that those programs can't. Also as far as modeling programs go both of them are consider fairly limited in their abilities compared to the modeling programs that professional modelers typically use such as Lightwave, Max, Maya and ZBrush. I'm not sure about the last two but I know that Lightwave and Max are very difficult to just pick up on your own without specialized trainning. Once you learn them though you can do amazing things with them that you'd likely not be able to do with Hexagon or Blender.

    Anyway I again encourage you to stick with it, it should get easier and fairly quickly. I would encourage you to also maybe visit there you will find a ton of tutorials that are probably going to be easier for you to digest then that Great Hall Master Series one. Once you get a better feel for where things are and the general mechanics of working with Bryce I'd then encourage you to check out David Brinnen's tutorials both there as well as the ones in the tutorial thread in this forum. Get the mechanics down first though because David's video tutorials can be a bit hard to follow if you're not terribly familiar with navigating around the Bryce interface. Once you get some of his done which are mainly based on Bryce 7 Pro I think you'll feel alot better about Bryce.

    Finally I would encourage you to be patient, these types of programs aren't meant to be master in just a few days or only after one or two tutorials. To get to the point of where you are making compelling art with ease takes a fair bit of time, I'd say at least a few months and that's if you can dedicate the equivilent of a full time job practicing with it everyday. If you can't then it's likely going to take longer. It may seem like a daunting task at first but hopefully in the end you'll feel it was all well worth the effort.

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537
    edited December 1969

    If I've knew already everything about Bryce, I've given it up because it's boring if you cannot learn anything new. As it stands, I still have a long way to go. Bryce is probably the most underrated of all 3D application.

  • Lobo3433Lobo3433 Posts: 30
    edited December 1969

    I appreciate the much of the input that everyone has given and I know that Bryce and Carrara are different in respect to Blender and Hexagon granted one of the major reasons I wanted to learn Carrara is because of its ability of using shaders granted can’t get my brain around its modeling room in the least. But Hexagon which has such a bad rep for crashing and being uncooperative and Blender having such a steep learning curve I have been able to grasp and be productive with both. Also do not get me wrong this was not the first Bryce Tutorial that I have tried I have owned Bryce since version 5 have been committed since then to try to learn it and have invested and upgraded each time a new version has come out. One of the reasons I invested in the Great Hall and The Cloud City tutorials I figured that two professionally written tutorials would help me get a grasp where other free tutorials found on the net might have either missed something or due to speed steps might have been left out or something so my reasoning was something written by someone so well respected with in the Daz community I would be able to grasp and finally after several years get something sort of productive out of it. This was also my first attempt in asking for help as well within the community and I do truly wish I had asked long ago maybe I would not be as frustrated with it as I am. Below is a sample of something I am actually proud of that I made so I know that I am not yet up to the level of some of the wonderful artist here but I feel I have some potential skill at least for some game assets that I am building.

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  • LordHardDrivenLordHardDriven Posts: 937
    edited February 2013

    I appreciate the much of the input that everyone has given and I know that Bryce and Carrara are different in respect to Blender and Hexagon granted one of the major reasons I wanted to learn Carrara is because of its ability of using shaders granted can’t get my brain around its modeling room in the least. But Hexagon which has such a bad rep for crashing and being uncooperative and Blender having such a steep learning curve I have been able to grasp and be productive with both. Also do not get me wrong this was not the first Bryce Tutorial that I have tried I have owned Bryce since version 5 have been committed since then to try to learn it and have invested and upgraded each time a new version has come out. One of the reasons I invested in the Great Hall and The Cloud City tutorials I figured that two professionally written tutorials would help me get a grasp where other free tutorials found on the net might have either missed something or due to speed steps might have been left out or something so my reasoning was something written by someone so well respected with in the Daz community I would be able to grasp and finally after several years get something sort of productive out of it. This was also my first attempt in asking for help as well within the community and I do truly wish I had asked long ago maybe I would not be as frustrated with it as I am. Below is a sample of something I am actually proud of that I made so I know that I am not yet up to the level of some of the wonderful artist here but I feel I have some potential skill at least for some game assets that I am building.

    Well now that I know you are no stranger to Bryce I strongly encourage you to take a few of David Brinnens tutorials for a spin they're free, not too hard to follow (other then his speed of navigating thru things but there is replay for that) and produce satisfying results. I think his tutorials will get you using Bryce 7 better then the older stuff because things have changed to some degree allowing for greater realism. Plus David has a way of mixing a little theory with application that lets you learn more then just what the tutorial at hand seems to offer on the surface.

    Post edited by LordHardDriven on
  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    You mentioned Bryce crashing. It does, and will if the conditions are just right; whatever those conditions are. That's why it's a good idea to save your work often. You can start saving by using Save As, type in the file name and hit enter. Then every so often you can just Save, or if the file name has a number after it, use Save As and Bryce automatically increases the number after the file name.

    Point being, save and save often. If you watch David Brinnen's video tutorials, you'll see that Bryce sometimes crashes during his making of the videos. And if a crash occurs, close the program, start it up, and load your saved file.

    And if you really get frustrated, stop, save your work, close the program and go do something else. Then, when the mood strikes, start Bryce, or any other program, and continue playing. Unless you're learning Bryce or any other program for a class grade, there is no rush to accomplish anything. Just have fun doing what you're doing.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said: your work, close the program and go do something else.

    There are other things to do? :-S
    I thought that was just an urban myth.

    I agree, save often (I've lost a few documents because I've got carried away and worked for 6 hours on a scene only to have to crash, I can rarely be bothered re-doing them).

    Saving not only helps out in the worst case scenario of a crash but if you use Save As, it gives easy access to previous versions of your job so if for instance you've got to a point where you like it and save it but then decide to fiddle more and then render, 'save as' and close Bryce because it's bed time (I hear other people have set times when they have to go to bed), then in the morning you decide that the extra fiddling was not very good and you need to go back a stage or two, you've always got access to your job at key points in it's development.

  • GussNemoGussNemo Posts: 1,855
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said: your work, close the program and go do something else.

    There are other things to do? :-S
    I thought that was just an urban myth.


    Some of us do find other things to do. Like breathing. :lol:

  • HoroHoro Posts: 10,537
    edited December 1969

    GussNemo said:
    GussNemo said: your work, close the program and go do something else.

    There are other things to do? :-S
    I thought that was just an urban myth.

    Some of us do find other things to do. Like breathing. :lol:

    Indeed, there are other things to do - they're just less fun and breathing is a must. :)

  • dyretdyret Posts: 182
    edited December 1969

    Bah... Breathing is SO over rated!

  • MystTMystT Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    HELP! I apologise if this is in the wrong thread. I have been searching for ages to find help with Bryce I have downloaded and uninstalled the free version three times now because the Instancing Lab would not work. I was under the impression that I had to purchase the Pro version of Bryce 7 and I did purchase it yesterday. I've installed it and the Instancing Lab will still not work even though I've followed the many tutorials available online. The other problem is the extra lights that come with Bryce 7 do not work. They are not clickable at all. Thirdly, the Premium Objects within the objects library are inaccessible. Once again, they are not clickable.

    Would someone kindly offer me some assistance please? I feel that I've wasted my money by purchasing the so called 'Pro' version and I'm not able to access all of the features advertised on the DAZ website.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    MystT said:
    HELP! I apologise if this is in the wrong thread. I have been searching for ages to find help with Bryce I have downloaded and uninstalled the free version three times now because the Instancing Lab would not work. I was under the impression that I had to purchase the Pro version of Bryce 7 and I did purchase it yesterday. I've installed it and the Instancing Lab will still not work even though I've followed the many tutorials available online. The other problem is the extra lights that come with Bryce 7 do not work. They are not clickable at all. Thirdly, the Premium Objects within the objects library are inaccessible. Once again, they are not clickable.

    Would someone kindly offer me some assistance please? I feel that I've wasted my money by purchasing the so called 'Pro' version and I'm not able to access all of the features advertised on the DAZ website.

    Firstly, when you installed Bryce 7Pro, did you input a new serial number?
    I ask because the free version is exactly the same as the Pro version but the new serial number is required to fully open Bryce Pro.

    Secondly, when you downloaded the Pro files, did you also download the Pro content which is in a completely separate download file?

    Thirdly, when you say the instancing lab won't work, exactly what is it doing?
    It has many bugs and getting it to work in a fully functioning version of Bryce is not always easy.

    Fourthly, when you say stuff is not "clickable", do you mean it shows but you just can't click it, or that there is nothing there to click in the first place?

  • MystTMystT Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    MystT said:
    HELP! I apologise if this is in the wrong thread. I have been searching for ages to find help with Bryce I have downloaded and uninstalled the free version three times now because the Instancing Lab would not work. I was under the impression that I had to purchase the Pro version of Bryce 7 and I did purchase it yesterday. I've installed it and the Instancing Lab will still not work even though I've followed the many tutorials available online. The other problem is the extra lights that come with Bryce 7 do not work. They are not clickable at all. Thirdly, the Premium Objects within the objects library are inaccessible. Once again, they are not clickable.

    Would someone kindly offer me some assistance please? I feel that I've wasted my money by purchasing the so called 'Pro' version and I'm not able to access all of the features advertised on the DAZ website.

    Firstly, when you installed Bryce 7Pro, did you input a new serial number?
    I ask because the free version is exactly the same as the Pro version but the new serial number is required to fully open Bryce Pro.

    Secondly, when you downloaded the Pro files, did you also download the Pro content which is in a completely separate download file?

    Thirdly, when you say the instancing lab won't work, exactly what is it doing?
    It has many bugs and getting it to work in a fully functioning version of Bryce is not always easy.

    Fourthly, when you say stuff is not "clickable", do you mean it shows but you just can't click it, or that there is nothing there to click in the first place?

    Thank you for your reply. When I purchased Bryce7Pro and after much frustration I finally was directed to the download link. I downloaded the .exe file (only one available for my system) and installed it. I was not given a serial number. The installer seemed to generate it's own serial number and I think this is the problem. I've basically paid for the free version and have not been supplied the correct serial number to unlock all of the features.

    Yes I did download the Pro content but haven't installed it because it is for Bryce 7.0.021 and I thought there may be a conflict with the newer version. Would installing the Pro content help do you think?

    Nothing happens at all in the instancing lab. I Add a cylinder for example and then select the ground plane, go into IL and nothing is clickable, ie, the links are dead although all of the icons are showing within the IL.

    Thanks again for your interest, it's much appreciated. Now all I have to do is get the correct serial number!

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Presumably you purchased Bryce 7 Pro from the Daz store.

    Log into your Daz account and along the top of the page (under the banner advert) there is a row of links.
    The sixth one along is "My serial numbers" (which of course in your case is your serial numbers. :-))
    Your Bryce 7 Pro serial number will show if you click that link along with any other Daz serial numbers (if you've downloaded Daz Studio, Carrara or Hexagon etc.)

    Make a note of the serial number displayed in your account and then open Bryce and go to the 'Help' menu.
    The bottom option is 'Enter serial...'

    Enter your name and the Bryce 7 Pro serial and then restart Bryce.

    If we can get this part done first and check if it's had any effect on your other troubles.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited May 2013

    So regarding the different components here's a break down

    With respect to installation Bryce Content PDF by Horo

    Now down to the specific problem. I'm sure that this has cropped up before, or something very like it. But the search on this forum is somewhat rudimentary.

    The difference between Bryce Pro and Bryce PLE, so long as you are running the latest version, Bryce 7.1 Pro - Help, About Bryce - a short video by David Brinnen essentially the serial number.

    So if you look in your DAZ Account. (top right of this page next to log out) Find My Serial Numbers in the tab. Find the SN for Bryce 7.1 Pro.

    That's what you bought for your money. The serial number needs to be put in via a little dialogue here (if you just accepted the SN on the splash screen which might have been the old one... just guessing here).

    Attached is a screenshot of Help > Enter Serial Number...

    See if that sorts it out for you.

    Edit. Essentially what Dave said... above... but probably he typed his answer a lot quicker than I typed mine.

    432 x 215 - 66K
    Post edited by David Brinnen on
  • MystTMystT Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    BINGO! It works! Bloody ripper! Thank you so very much for your help, it's very much appreciated. :-)


    Presumably you purchased Bryce 7 Pro from the Daz store.

    Log into your Daz account and along the top of the page (under the banner advert) there is a row of links.
    The sixth one along is "My serial numbers" (which of course in your case is your serial numbers. :-))
    Your Bryce 7 Pro serial number will show if you click that link along with any other Daz serial numbers (if you've downloaded Daz Studio, Carrara or Hexagon etc.)

    Make a note of the serial number displayed in your account and then open Bryce and go to the 'Help' menu.
    The bottom option is 'Enter serial...'

    Enter your name and the Bryce 7 Pro serial and then restart Bryce.

    If we can get this part done first and check if it's had any effect on your other troubles.

  • David BrinnenDavid Brinnen Posts: 3,136
    edited December 1969

    MystT said:
    BINGO! It works! Bloody ripper! Thank you so very much for your help, it's very much appreciated. :-)


    Presumably you purchased Bryce 7 Pro from the Daz store.

    Log into your Daz account and along the top of the page (under the banner advert) there is a row of links.
    The sixth one along is "My serial numbers" (which of course in your case is your serial numbers. :-))
    Your Bryce 7 Pro serial number will show if you click that link along with any other Daz serial numbers (if you've downloaded Daz Studio, Carrara or Hexagon etc.)

    Make a note of the serial number displayed in your account and then open Bryce and go to the 'Help' menu.
    The bottom option is 'Enter serial...'

    Enter your name and the Bryce 7 Pro serial and then restart Bryce.

    If we can get this part done first and check if it's had any effect on your other troubles.

    Ah... well done. Righto, don't forget to install your other content. Check the PDF first Bryce Content PDF by Horo you'll find you've got a lot of bonus resources there to get you up and running with the new features you have unlocked.

  • MystTMystT Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    Ah... well done. Righto, don't forget to install your other content. Check the PDF first Bryce Content PDF by Horo you'll find you've got a lot of bonus resources there to get you up and running with the new features you have unlocked.

    Hi David,

    thank you very much for the PDF link. I had no idea all of those extra resources were available for download. Downloading stuff from the DAZ website is like a treasure hunt! LOL.

  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited December 1969

    Glad to be of help.

    Don't forget to join us in the Show us your Bryce Renders thread to share what you create.

  • MystTMystT Posts: 5
    edited December 1969

    Glad to be of help.

    Don't forget to join us in the Show us your Bryce Renders thread to share what you create.

    Thanks again TheSavage64. I'm thinking about entering the latest competition if I can find the link again. :-) I do feel a bit shy about posting my renders though, there are some fantastic artists here and their work puts my mundane creations to shame. LOL.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Oh please do enter the Challenge, It was fun last time. The existing new thread for it, here is essentially a WIP (Work in Progress) thread. At a later date I will create a new clean thread which will just have the completed renders in for my captive judging panel to look at and make their deliberations.

    So you can post to the exisitng thead an get help and hints and tips to make things easier and better.

  • sadhello...befor you all give me a hard time .. bear with me new to all this tech stuff...  

    basically ive purchased bryce 7 through daz3 etc... but i wanted also the older bryce 5 ..which i have purchased also..but i cannot get it to download..some babble about a path.. cool ive followed instructions ..but still zero...have i made a mistake in purchasing no 5 .. i just thought i needed to start a bit easier on something i used years so lost and confused ...aaaahhhhangryany help in dippy simple terms would be sooooo appreciated ...thank you for your time advance 

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