daz or renderosity to sell my products?

jowolfjowolf Posts: 66


I would like to sell my products but I am not sure if sell them here or on Renderosity marketplace, I have seen that here the prices and quality are higher but I don`t know where there are more customers, higher prices could mean lower customers?

Thanks for any info that you can tell me.


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    Information on how to become a DAZ PA    https://www.daz3d.com/community/community-publishing

    AS you say Daz 3D is renowned for Quality, also renownded for it money back guarantee,  It is not easy to say that one or the other store is more expensive as it varies from product to product.

    Daz 3D certainly has more people through the doors and more customers purchasing imo

  • BradCarstenBradCarsten Posts: 856

    Higher prices but much better sales!
    Something else you need to look at is if there is any difference in royalty rate, and daz asks for exclusivity, where as Rendo doesn't as far as I understand. These are all things you need to take into account.  

  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 14,330
    edited May 2017

    You could consider going through Rendo to build your skills and then approach Daz. It's hard to get into Daz unless you have some experience but there are those occasions that get you in the doors faster.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • SickleYieldSickleYield Posts: 7,644

    I sell both places, but the mortgage money comes from Daz3d.  A product of the same type makes about 4x as much at Daz as it does at Renderosity (and I have some parallel products to compare, for e.g. a male underwear product, a female set with a loincloth, etc.). 

    It is much harder to get on at Daz3d both initially and at each individual product.  Renderosity will not turn down most items if they are functional (they have gotten a little pickier of late but still not very); most things will at least be tested before they're refused.  Their turnover time is very fast, which to me is their biggest advantage.  I've had things go from submitted to store in two to three days recently.  So if I want to test the waters on a given product type, or if I really want to make for e.g. a set of male underpants I think Daz will turn down (Daz is also pickier about sexy products than Rendo now, no more pasties, no more jock straps), I can get that made quickly and into the store without losing a lot of time from the stuff that pays my bills.  Sometimes that's worth it to preserve that dram of artistic freedom. 

    Daz3d requires you to submit an email with images of your proposed first product first.  If they like it you will hear back in usually a max of 2-3 weeks.  If they don't like it you may not hear back at all.

    If the first one gets accepted, each subsequent one you will have access to the testing system, but that is not a guarantee of acceptance for testing.  Each product's promos are reviewed by a committee that decides if the pics look good enough for it to be accepted for testing.  If not they will tell you either 1. we might take it if you fix And B or just 2. no thanks, we don't care for it.  Then you're in and it will be tested.  Turnover time from acceptance to the store varies from as little as one week (rare) to a month and a half (if you submitted it while the testers were swamped because of an upcoming big sale event).  Even the biggest and most profitable sellers get things turned down or changes requested. 

    Bottom line, Daz3d will put you through hoops Renderosity has never thought of, but there's a LOT more money to be made in Daz's larger marketplace.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    Speaking as a customer, I far and away prefer the shopping experience at DAZ. Everything about using Renderosity is like a punishment for the customer, like they really want to drive us away, so I don't go there except for content that simply cannot be found at DAZ. YYMV, but I think your content will be seen by more people at DAZ, which gives you more opportunities to sell.

  • SerumSerum Posts: 256

    Ultimately you want to sell on Daz. daz by far beats what you would earn on rendo but there is a quality bar to hit and it can be really shall we say humbling when they are declined.

    Personally while getting rejected can be frustraiting and depressing I am glad that it does have such a high bar.

    Dont be disheartened you may still have it accepted on rendo or other sites.

    One thing you must know about rendo is that you pretty much have to do everything yourself. promotions, sales, advertizing even sorting your own promo and thumbnails (yes they are actually a seperate upload you have to do on rendo)

  • Digital TouchDigital Touch Posts: 187
    edited August 2017
    I can't say about the numbers, but one thing i'm sure of, DAZ marketing is way better handling our promo, event, and managing your sales. Rendo on the other side, might as well assume they don't have marketing team. I have bad after taste just after trying to sell one of my product there. Big NO from me Rendo. Not to bash other company, but simply telling the truth.
    Post edited by Digital Touch on
  • NovicaNovica Posts: 23,905

    I am not a vendor, but I shop both places and spend a lot of money at both- (don't ask LOL)  and there are vendors at Rendo that aren't here, and the quality from many of them is definitely equal to the top notch vendors here.  So both sites get patronage from many of us, and I think you'd be shooting yourself in the foot to only sell at one store and not both.  Guess it depends on how much time you have to work on your products. Wishing the best for you, whatever you decide to do. The PAs here are ultra helpful (as you can already tell.) 

  • I shop both places too.  I do spend more at Daz because the sales here get me more often than not.  If you can get it on Daz do that, if not see if it can go on Renderosity.

  • ThatGuyThatGuy Posts: 797

    i do shop at both places as well, but the majority being at DAZ.  I do have a couple of fave vendors at Rendo.

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