Fatal Error
Hi folks.
I was dabbling with DS4 for a while and slowly, over a period of months, took the time to learn how to use it and get comfortable with the genesis character that comes with it. So, just before deciding to "go for it" and purchase some real characters (cha-ching!) I figured I better download 4.5 first (to be on the safe side). But...each time I try to use DS4.5 for more than a few minutes I get a "fatal error" and the whole shebang closes on me. Curious.
Has anyone had the same issues or can anyone tell me what's wrong. I have plenty of HD space, any presumably enough RAM and graphics card oomph to run version 4 so what's up with 4.5?
Happy President's Day, y'all.
It would be a major help if you told us what OS you are using, and a little about your system specs, RAM, video card, processor etc, and the version of DS4.5 (Help > About DAZ Studio)
You can also find out what the error was by looking at the log file, Help > Troubleshooting > View Log File. The error should be reported at the end of your precious session.
What was contained in the scene taht you were creating, and what were you doing when it crashed?
Thanks JimmyC
I have version
I'm running Windows 7
AMD Athlon II X215 2.70 GHz
64 bit OS
video card: total graphics memory 155 mb---dedicated video memory 128 mb
What was I doing? On three occasions I loaded a scene I created with DAZ 4 and that sent it crashing. On three occasions I simply opened DAZ 4.5 and just navigated around the character (zoomed in, panned, etc.) for about a minute and it crashed. Only thing I have is the genesis character, nothing else, no scenery, props, nothing. I'm afraid of buying anything until this issue is resolved of course. On each occasion, the program crashed after about a minute. DAZ 4 ran fine for the several months I did have it.
Thank you for your tip on how to report the error.
Are you using the 64 bit version of DS4.5? When I have DS loaded up, and only one figure in it, I am using around 3GB of RAM, doesn't leave much for anything else in your case. I used to have 8 GB, but upgraded it to 16 GB recently, and I would say your machine needs an update before you will be able to run DS4.5
You don't say what video card you are using, but i suspect it is part of your problem as well, and it may well be using part of your RAM as well.
If you are running Win 7 64 bit and DS4.5 64 bit, you don;t really have any memory left, an upgrade to 8 GB would help a lot.
Maybe someone else can offer a better suggestion, sorry.
Your system specs are similar to my own and I have no problems with Studio. Make sure the graphic drivers are up to date
Thanks Jestmart (and JimmyC)
I updated my graphics card driver prior to your post and unfortunately things went from slightly annoying to worst. I was unable to open DAZ at all (the error message said something about the driver being incompatible and needing to close) and I could not open my very expensive Photoshop program either. So I "rolled back" to before the update and thank goodness things are back to as they were. But that experience begs the question: when you update the video card drivers (I have a GeForce 6150 nForce 430 from NVIDIA by the way) are you supposed to re-install the software for programs like DAZ and Photoshop afterwards?
Anyway, I've been thinking of getting a second hard drive for some time now and maybe when I do, I'll attempt to run DAZ on that one.
Thanks everyone!
Edit: I got some feedback from my error report I submitted.
(0104905) DoctorJellybean (manager) - 2013-02-19 03:27
Did you also install the latest Genesis Starter Essentials?
So now I'm trying to figure out what "Genesis Starter Essentials" is and where can I find it on the website.
Genesis Starter Essentials comes with the download of DS4.5. It should be in your 'My Downloadable Products' area along with the installer for the main application (DS4.5.1.56).
If contains a whole load of stuff, and you can find the list here : http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/read_me/index/14812/start