Characters eyes point in opposite direction
I've noticed that a few of the characters that I've bought have a problem where their eyes seem to be the wrong way round. That is, their eyes point in the opposite direction to that which I choose.
If you choose that the character looks up + left, the character will look down + right, etc. This in itself is not usually a major problem as the workaround is obvious.
But it does become a problem when I mix multiple characters together.
If I have one whose eyes look the correct direction mixed with another whose eyes look in the wrong (opposite) direction then my mix-character ends up looking like a cartoon madman.
Has anyone got a solution so that I can fix the characters that have eyes that are the wrong way round?
any specific characters? The only problems I've encountered sofar are with really old, pre DS, figures.
The only one I can remember off the top of my head is BD Demi by Belladzines (Genesis 3 character). I've tested this character on it's own (not mixed with other characters) and the eyes look the opposite direction to what they should.
When mixing this character with other characters (all Genesis 3 as well) the eyes go crazy. As soon as I reduce this character/morph sliders to zero, they eyes act as normal.
I don't have this character, so can't check. Best thing might be to open a support/help ticket and explain what happens...
Thanks, I've have done this now
I've had a few characters now where the characters go 'cross-eyed' when I use the 'both eyes left-right' or 'both eyes up-down' morphs. This may be related to a custom morph/pose control from some other website, I don't really know, but it occurs to me that there should be an easy way to fix this under parameters/limits, depending on how sliders that affect two or more objects are handled under parameters. I haven't had this happen recently (not working with those characters at the moment), but if I see it again, I'll take a look at parameter limits submenu (the gear thingie on the slider, don't have Daz open at the moment so I don't have the exact name handy) to see if there's a way to swap the + and - values around for one of the two eyes.