DAz studio 4.9 - Old content genesis morphs

in New Users
took a break from daz studio for a couple years ...
installed newest ver. and am wondering....
is all old content obsolete....ie: genesis 1 head morphs etc.....?
cant find a directory to identify genesis 1 file
even though i am inputting the path while looking at genesis 1 file n the path end location
n short
idk how to install any old content i have
cant find much info to help with old genesis / other content
You can install old content the same way as newer content. If you have an existing content folder, go to Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager and add it to Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats. If you don't and want to use the default content folders install them there.
You should be installing to "win10 Pc\users\public\docs.\my daz 3d library" -- never deeper than that. You may want to redownload the content -- it's now in zip files and there've been a lot of product updates. I would recommend using Daz Install Manager to download and install from the zips. If you prefer to install manually, note that the zips usually have a top-level folder named "Content" -- you want to just take what's INSIDE that folder and put it in "My Daz 3D Library"; you don't want a folder named "Content" inside "My Daz 3D Library".
Morphs don't usually appear in the content panes - unlike the fourth generation and earlier daz figues there's no need to inject stuff (DS loads the paarmeter but doesn't load the actual morph shapes until needed).
If they used stock morphs then just reisntalling the Starter Essentials and the morphs used should work. Are you getting a missing asset error?
If you bought the items they should still be in your account and you can download through DIM.
i also have costome created morphs that i used to be able to
save out and import (or place n folder cant remeber ) and these morphs became their own slider
is that still possible now adays...?
Yes, using Morph Loader pro (or Advanced) or manipulating the mesh inside DS with a dForm.