What is SSS and why do I care?
This has been bugging me for awhile. I know it stands for Sub-Surface Scattering and while I know what those words mean individually, I have no idea what they mean together. I am sure there is a very technical/detailed explaination for what it means but a lot of the "techie" stuff goes over my head. So I guess what I'm asking is when I have a character for instance that comes with various SSS options, what is the advantage of using them? What is the effect? Is it different like when you render in 3DL instead of Iray? And by that I mean, does it create a different type of picture? Does it make them look MORE realistic? Is it just a matter of opinion?
Thanks for any info.
I'm not a good explainer but heres my try (haha XD)
In real life, when light reaches your body, it doesn't get reflected straight back (That will make yourself a mirror so nope), instead some particles got reflected straight away (most likely to be the shiny, oily part of your body) and the others continue their travel into the skin, and for each tiny distance they travel, a bit more are reflected back out of the surface, because your flesh is red, that effect is what makes your skin uneven in color, and shine differently to light conditions instead of a flat piece of paper.
Do a simple experiment with yourself, grab a torch, or a strong light source, and point it at your finger and observe it on the other side, you will see the red parts shining out of the finger like never before.
This whole effect is defined as sub-surface scattering, and thats why they have it in CGI renders to try to make the skin materials as realistic as possible, as well as some other materials I believe as well.
Because of the delicate physical calculation, I believe that it is only possible to be done in an unbiased render engine such as Iray, and not in biased render engine (3DL), yes you can stimulate the effect in 3DL but It will not be accurate (but then, what exactly is accurate? lol)
Thanks EcVh0, you ARE a good explainer because that made sense to me! I appreciate you filling me in on that. I'll have to see what effect it has in my renders. At least now I'll know what I am looking for! I appreciate the help!
One slight correction: It is indeed available in 3DL, via various shaders.
No problem :) Anytime!
Hahah wow okay, thanks for the correction :)
Havent used 3DL ever since before Iray so i probably no nothing about it haha