Restoring Figure (T-Pose) resets body morphs?
I have a decent library of body morphs that I like to use to add variety to my characters physical attributes. I have had some success saving a character with morphs for later use (i.e. dialing a characters weight and height) but other times when I'm using one, it will put them "back to factory settings". The product I'm currently having trouble with is this.
It's a great product and I'm happy with the variety it offers but I can't figure out a way to save them so they stop reverting back. When I am doing a multiple picture scene, I like to pop the character back to T-Pose so I am starting fresh when changing certain poses. When I do this *SNAP* they are back to normal again and I have to dial them out all over agian. I've tried selecting the character and saving as both a Character or as a Pose Preset but neither one seems to remember these morphs. Is it just a condition of this particular product (if so, it's fine, I can adapt) or is there a way I can get a character just how I want them, head to toe and then lock them in? It's fine if thier clothes or hair doesn't save. I'm just looking to save the person itself.
Thanks for any tips!
There is a zero figure pose as well as a zero figure, and that should do what you want, it's in the context menu with parameterss selected in pose pane.
Thanks Simon, I'm having a hard time finding it though? Pose Pane? Do you mean the Pose Tab? I looked there and don't see a Context menu.
The rectangle with horizontal lines in the upper corner. It's in the Parameters, Posing, and Shaping panes.
Ahhh, I see. Thanks so much! I never would have thought to look there.
omg!! thank you! couldn't find that either.