obj files wont show up

Hi can somebody help me I am a newbie and I just installed Elven Nymph and Branwen Hair on Daz Studio 4.9.

I tried to find Elven Nymph in my content library without success. But I am positive that it was installed to My Daz Connect Library.

Can somebody help me to locate Elven Nymph in my Daz Studio ? 

And I have problem with BranwenHair as well it seems to be empty but when I click on Browse to Folder Location ... there is two obj file but Daz Studio is unable to see it.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,931

    Eleven Nymph should appear in Poser Formats>Daz Connect>Figures>some folder.

    Branwen Hair if installed via Connect may be under Figures or Hair, but should also have an entry under Daz Studio Formats>Daz Connect>People>Genesis>Hair as I recall. It looks as if you are installing incorrectly - the Geoemtries and Libraries foldrs should not be visible in the Content Library pane, they should be in the Runtime folder that is in the content dierctory and only the contents of the library categories will appear under Poser Formats>Install folder.

    The OBJ files are not, in general, what appears in the content panes - they are used by Poser format content, but they are loaded indirectly by the Poser library files (CR2, PP2, HR2 etc.).

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,630

    are you using the content library or smart content?

    or Connect?

    the last two need the figure selected and rely on the database running

    I myself do not use either, my database corrupts too easily my content has never been smart from day one

    fixable but never lasts as obvious something else I use conflicts with Postgre

  • Thanks very much I managed to fix it with your help :)

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