
cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
edited December 2022 in New Users


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  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625
    edited June 2017

    I have been simply sorting my stuff from the products list or the poser runtime into catagories and not looking at the smart content.  I opened up smart content and saw my catagories listed.  When I click my V4 for hair catagory, the hair items with metadata pull up and look great.  Items I have without metadata I don't see, I can just go look in my catagories outside of smart content to see everything I have listed.  This is more than enough for me and I wouldn't add metadata to things that don't have it.  That is to much work for me to sign up for.  Sorting the product files and things I have purchased or gotten for free elsewhere into catagories is as far as I am going to go.

    I have not finsihed setting up catagories yet, so far I have catagories for hair and clothing by figure so I know if an item is for V4, genesis, or G2F when I am trying to fit it to G3F.  I have to go back and dig out the shoes and jewerly out of each outfit and finish those catagories later but that way I'll know what to do to wear it as well as that I have it. I dumped props and places and things into a catagory if they are for scene building.  I have to go back and pull weapons and armor out of that.  But already I am having an easier time finding everything and fitting what I have.  Do I miss some pretty pictures just working in the content library? Yes, but I can see items without metadata that I have found and sorted quickly.  My goal was to speed up the finding of items and the fitting of items, even old poser items.  I met that goal without using the smart content part.  I visit smart content, it is a beautiful place and I like how it is shaping up.  The truth is I work out of my content library and forgo some pretty pictures to have a more complete product list to work from.  I really just want to save myself time and I thought doing all the metadata stuff was too big a project.

    Post edited by RitaCeleste on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    Do you have the option to show hidden vendor categopries on in Preferences? That might explain why you can't delete the default category, depending on where you are looking.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,805

    If you mean yes, Show Hidden Vendor categorisations is set then unset it - when it is on hidden ("deleted") vendor categorisations (the ones from the daz metadata) will show.

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870

    Show Hidden Vendor Categorizations definitely seems buggy to me. Take for example the figure Edgar, from FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7. I installed that product with Daz Connect. The metadata incorrectly categorizes the figure under Figures/People/Male/Real World/FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7. It should be just Figures/People/Male/Real World, like every other real word male character I own. I have Show Hidden Vendor Categorizations unchecked in preferences. I selected the character in Smart Content, right clicked, selected categorize, and unchecked FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7 and put a check in the level above (Real World). I clicked Accept. But the figure still shows up under the wrong category. If I right click and select categorize again, now both categories are checked (the one I added and the one I tried to remove). I repeated the same process in Content Library, thinking maybe it wouldn't work from Smart Content. It still failed to remove Edgar from that category. I tried again from Content DB Editor. It still failed to remove Edgar from that category. Finally, I deleted the whole category FWSA Edgar HD for Michael 7 in the Categories section of the Content Library. That finally got rid of it. How the heck do we get an assed out of a vendor assigned category without deleting the category entirely?

  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547

    I just edit the metadata deleting the wrong category and save it overwriten the actual file. After that I delete the entry in Content Library and Re-import that metadata using the Content Database Maintenance. This issue was introduced in release 4.9. Previously it worked fine.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,870
    MBusch said:

    I just edit the metadata deleting the wrong category and save it overwriten the actual file. After that I delete the entry in Content Library and Re-import that metadata using the Content Database Maintenance. This issue was introduced in release 4.9. Previously it worked fine.

    I don't think that scheme will work with Daz Connect, will it?

  • MBuschMBusch Posts: 547

    I really believe will not. The main reason why I give up to Connect is the automatic metadta update. It's not an option. You connect and DS starts to download and update metadata. This could be nice, but there are a lot of errors in the metadata for some products and a lot more of deprecated categories in  products which are never updated. From a Customer Support Ticket which I submitted I have learned that metadata bugs are no priority. So, if you, as me , had invested time and effort to fix and/or create metadata, Connect with its automatic update it's not for you.

    I prefer use DIM to install DAZ products and all third party content to which I create DIM compatible installers using CPA (Content Package Assist). Smart Content works fine for me, I just keep away from Connect.

  • there is a problem with the smart content and preformance issues on a pc the pc is loosing resources with more background task running because of the DIM do there need to be another cause of background task like the DIM? I have the issue with every time I start up connect the daz studio program freezes and crashes and you get the debug prompt it is to much that doesnt need to be done I get the aim is cutting down on pirarcy but is this the real answer in some aspects on my ens anyway it has almot made Daz unusalbe because of the system crashes that are attributed to Daz connect and the DIM, and I know that I am not the only one with this problem.   

  • cridgitcridgit Posts: 1,757
    edited May 2022


    Post edited by cridgit on
  • TooncesToonces Posts: 919

    Yeh, 'show hidden vendor categorizations' doesn't work for me either.

    I removed a pose from all categories, clicked accept, but it still shows up in all those categories in smart content.

    This is a real problem considering I have over 1200+ sitting/standing poses and smart content cannot display beyond 1200 (which is another defect, imo...there should be a next page button).

    I could fix the problem easily if it would just let me remove all these partial poses from the functional sitting/standing categories, but it's impossible to remove vendor-supplied categories since 'show hidden vendor categorizations' doesn't work as designed.

    The only solution I've found is to just create new categories and assign the poses I want one-by-one, but it's quite painful.

    I wish it were possible to search by 2 categories (e.g., full body and sitting or full body and standing) as that would also help me work around the problem.s

  • LindseyLindsey Posts: 2,001

    I've had the same issues with the "show hidden vendor categorizations" option not working for me, so I can't remove (hide) them and toggle them on/off from displaying with that option.  When they introduced that feature there was a CMS database update and suspect mine is not updated properly to capture the flag that allows the "show hidden vendor categorizations" to work properly.

    In the mean time, I've hanged on to that allowed me to remove vendor categorizations and have the product categorized the way I'd prefer, but when metadata updates come through, those vendor categorizations come back. 

    I've been meaning to install the current DS version on a computer that has never had DS installed to see if the "show hidden vendor categorizations" option works, but haven't yet.  

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