boots not fitting- can't adjust

in New Users
Been struggling with this for an hour.
When I drop boots onto my character, they angle down through the feet. If I try to adjust them, they fight it, snapping into weird positions and then returning to the original position anyway. If I say fit to none, then they snap off her feet entirely. How do you adjust the angle after fitting the boots?
Are you using the boots on the figure they were made for? Have you looked to see if they coem with a morph to fit the feet to the boots, or a preset to simply hide the feet?
yes, Im using Onyx boots with Victoria 5.
No there are no posing morphs unfortunately
They line up perfectly if the foot is straight, but as soon as you bend the foot, they stay behind.
The product page lists a foot pose - try applying that to the figure.
Thanks Richard. I clicked on the toes of the boots, opened posing and there was indeed a control to bend it. It doesn't matter what I do though, they just snap back into the original position, while the value in the slider remains at whatever I positioned it to. I tried the boots on the figure and with only those loaded into the scene and the results are the same.
I load the boots and fit them to Victoria 5, then with Victoria 5 selected I go to the Pose subfolder of the Onyx files and apply the Foot pose - the feet then fit into the boots.
Thanks for all the help I appreciate it.
I tried that, and indeed the feet snap into the boots, so that's a huge help, but the problem now is that I still can't bend the boots, and there doesn't seem to be the opposite function- ie to snap the boots to the feet, so anything but static poses are all but useless with these boots. Am I missing something or is this a problem with the product?
I see what you mean. I don't recall the set being like that initially, so please report it as a possible bug.
Thanks once again for all the help, I'll do that.
This is weird.
I use the outfit a lot, but don't use the boots because I don't like the strange heels, but I see what you mean.
My usual solutions don't work, such as making the bones visible and posing the boot with them. The bones stay where you put them, but the boots snap back to neutral.
Thanks for checking. I've reported this as a bug with a link to the thread, so it helps to have some other people varifying it.