Destroyed my Install

Well I saw the Genesis 8 and I thought... Wow that would be awesome to try out. So I went ahead and upgraded from my Daz 4.8 to the 4.9.
Wow was that a mistake. My Smart Content pane is completely empty and I keep getting some kind of PostSgre SQL error everytime I start up Daz. I uninstalled and reinstalled the PostSgre program and I still get the error. The biggest thing that irritates me is that even though I can still see my content in the content library tab I cannot find any of the Genesis 8 material. What the heck. Its installed I can see it on my computer but Daz will not display it. I wonder if I should just reinstall my 4.8 version. Oh also when I went to search for files and add the directories back in, it practically exploded with a bunch of new directories I dont remember having and I dont have any of my categories either. Very Very frustrated.
Did you follow the instructions here to convert your database before upgrading from 4.8 to 4.9?
Now I feel dumb... No I did not back it up that way. I just had backups on some other hard drives. I thought that was what it meant.
How did you install? What is the full path to the Genesis 8 Female.duf file?
If you installed her with DIM, you can right click on her installation package in the DIM and have it show you where it installed her files (Show Installed Files). Did you install Victoria 8 to a content directory that you have mapped under Daz Studio Formats in the Daz Studio Content Directory manager? If so, try just uninstalling Victoria 8 and reinstalling her first. If not, then map the content directory you installed her into with the Daz Studio Content Directory Manager. If it still doesn't work, we probably need more details about your configuration.
Edit: Did you ever do the conversion from Valnetina DB to the PostSgre SQL data base? Did you install Genesis 8 Starter Essentials?
That was a process I missed. Once I installed that with DIM I installed the PostSgre SQL DB and it worked. Now I have my Smart Content back but still no Genesis 8. I did install the Genesis 8 Female Starter Essentials. I looked in products and there was a single Icon that said install G8 essentials. Strange. I did that and after some searching I found the missing G8 content. I am a lot happier now. My categories are back as well. The only thing I need to figure out is how to get rid of some of these extra directories without deleting the content. Everytime I go to delete something it says that everything will be permanently deleted. How do I get around this? Thanks so much for everyones help so far.
Please explain more about what you mean by "how to get rid of some of these extra directories without deleting the content". Why do you want to delete directories? What directories? Delete them from where (Install Manager? Daz Studio Content Directory Manager? Daz Studio Content Library? Windows Explorer?) Can you show a screenshot of these directories you want to delete?
No screen shot necessary. I was referring to the Content Library. However I went into Content DB Maintenance and removed all the extra directories. Went back to my original locations I had in Daz 4.8 and just added the "My Library" directory. I am pretty much where I need to be now. Thanks again to everyone that responded.