Clothing importing perfectly, then distorting once trasnferred to Genesis/using Fit To

So I've run into a bit of trouble getting clothing to fit to a figure.

I've made a dress in Marvelous Designer 2 and exported it as an obj file.

As a bit of background, I'm using a modified Genesis figure. I used this as the model for the dress design in MD2 and it is the figure I want to attach my dress to in DAZ.

I then import the OBJ in to DS4.5, at this point everything is working perfectly.

As per the official DAZ tutorial on the subject I then convert the clothing to a SubD.

Then I use the transfer utility with the following settings

The problem comes with the fitting. As you'll note I've got the transfer utility setup to auto-fit to the model. Even if I switch this off and manually tell Daz to fit the clothing to the model (after the transfer has been done) I get the same problem.

The problem is this... as soon as I fit any bit of clothing I've made to the model, the garment deforms massively. Granted the clothes bend, morph, etc appropriately as I manipulate the base model but they are no longer in the perfectly fitted shape I had at the beginning.

What am I doing wrong? How do I get Daz to simply accept the garment as created when I fit it to Genesis. I don't want the shape modified at all, it's perfect as is. I just want it to conform to model movement (which it's doing) but not to mess with what I started with when I imported the OBJ.

Just to make it ultra clear what I'm trying to achieve, here's a side by side of what I want and what I don't want.

Any help you can offer would be most appreciated.

Post edited by mrflirtymrflirty on


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    For the Transfer Utility, that's not the default Genesis. Changing the "From Shape" might help.

    I don't use Marvelous Designer, but in other modeling programs we model the clothing to the basic gender neutral Genesis figure.

  • mrflirtymrflirtymrflirtymrflirty Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    But wouldn't I get a better fit result if I model the clothing to the figure the clothing will actually appear on? I should point out I've no plans to distribute these. Just for personal messing about. So I'm not fussed if t doesn't fit all Genesis morphs.

    I'll give it a shot though and see what happens.


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    No. The clothing will 'grow' with Genesis.

    If one models to a certain morphed figure, when Genesis is dialed to that figure, the clothing will still grow with Genesis and in effect the morph to the clothing is doubled.

  • mrflirtymrflirtymrflirtymrflirty Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That makes perfect sense. Thank you.

    Sorry to keep asking questions but what's the procedure then if I want clothing to drape appropriately on a figure with more extreme proportions? A shirt, for instance, may hug the body on a smaller frame but as proportions change (smaller waist to torso ratio for instance) the clothing no longer would stick to the body in the way it would on a smaller frame.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    That would be a Morph, you can include them in your item and use them as needed. In DS even Dynamic clothing fits to the figure if extra steps are not taken to prevent it.

  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,408
    edited March 2013

    One trick you can try, given that your garment has already been made, is, when using the Transfer Utility, set the Reverse Source Shape to Target active under Show Options. This is also done when using Transfer Utility to fit Gen 4 clothes (such as those for Victoria 4) to Genesis using the Transfer Utility.

    Post edited by Tramp Graphics on
  • WilmapWilmap Posts: 2,917
    edited December 1969

    What shape did you use to model the dress on in MD? if it was one of the basic shapes - V4, V5 etc, you should dial this on the base genesis and then choose custom shape when using the Transfer Utility.

    I have used MD to make clothes but I know find that I get better results if I nodel on the base Genesis. yes it is strange trying to model dresses onto a male shape but it can be done.

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