References to paired controls in list

RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,525


I have created a list of PAIRS of controls that need to refer to each other.  I have a function that creates each pair, as an example:

function CreatePair(tab) {

    var cb1=new DzCheckBox(tab);
    var cb2=new DzCheckBox(tab);
    cb1.clicked.connect(function(){ cb2.checked = !cb1.checked; });


And then this function is called an arbitrary number of times.  The problem is that cb1 and cb2 always refer to the LAST pair that was created.  How can I make each pair refer to each other and no others in the list?



Post edited by RiverSoft Art on


  • I think fro this you may need a real function, not an in-line anonymous function, though that's a very tentative suggestion. It does look like a scope issue of some kind.

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,525

    Unfortunately, I need the in-line anonymous function in order to understand which object is firing the event (if the scoping worked correctly).  So it looks like I am out of luck as noone has any suggestions.  sad

  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,235

    Use the "Signal to Member Function" form of connect; i.e., connect( thisObject, function ); the first argument is the object that will be bound to *this* within the scope of the function and the second argument is the function to invoke.
    cb1.clicked.connect( cb2, function(){ this.checked = !cb1.checked; } );
    cb2.clicked.connect( cb1, function(){ this.checked = !cb2.checked; } );

  • RiverSoft ArtRiverSoft Art Posts: 6,525

    Yes!  YES!  (Dances around room).  Thank you VERY MUCH Cris!  That solved my problem!  (Goes to dance around room some more...) smiley

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