Wardrobe poses separate from the body.

in New Users
Not sure whats happening here and I'm too new to know how or where to fix it. I have gen 2 female with a basic casual outfit. Pants shirt sandles. When I pose the model the shirt properly poses with the body but the pants pose as a sepearte unit. in other words. I want to pose the legs and the pants should follow the legs but they are posing seperate from the body. Have I unlocked something, some where that needs to be relocked so the pants respond to the legs pose? how and where do I fix this?
A visual to help explain.
Are the pants showing a child of the figure in the scene hierarchy? Was the figure originally in the pose that is on the pants and you changed the figure's pose?
I would also double check that the pants are actually fitted to the character and not to the shirt.
Yep. pants are a child of the figure.
yes, when I loaded the figure Gen 2 female and added the pants they fit her. when I started posing, the pants and the figure posed seperatly.
Where do I double check this and correct it if this is the issue?
Edited posst to fix quotes.
Are the pants made for Genesis 2 Female? If not, and if you cancel the AutoFit dialogue, they will be parented to the figure but not actually fitted. You can check that by selecting the pants, going to the Parameters pane, opening its Editor tab (if it isn't), and looking in the General>Miscellaneous group - there should be a Fit to buttom which should in your case say Genesis 2 Female.
Though the packaging says it's made for gen 2 female (see image) your suggestion did the trick. There is NO WAY I would have figiured that out on my own. Thanks. Now to cross my fingures that I'll remember this if this happens again.