ALL Animations gone

I upgraded from Daz 4.8 to 4.9. This upgrade definitely caused some issues with my content library but I am getting close to putting it all back. The only thing I cant seem to get to work are ALL of my animations. Whether they are from Genesis Essentials or Third Party ones I downloaded they will not work. I keep getting an error saying "An error occured when reading the file please see the log for more details" I check the log and it says that it cannot find a particular path. I went ahead and re-installed all of the essentials using the DIM. Still the animations will not work. Everything else seems fine but none of the animation presets will work. Did the data folder get messed up? Any help is always appreciated.
What are the aniamtions - pose presets, AniBlocks, or saved scenes?
I really should have clarified that. They are the aniblocks
If you click the button at lower-left of the AniMate pane does it show any folders in its pop-up? As far as I know it just looks in the aniBlocks folder in your content directories (not in a sub-folder) - is that still correctly placed, in an active content directory?
Thanks Richard, First off can I just say how awesome you are. You are so involved in pretty much all of these posts from new users. You are so knowledgeable and willing to share your expertise. Thank you for that. I went to pull up the Animate pane and low and behold it is not there. I wonder if my issue is related to this post
I tried going into installed plugins and checking the animate2 box and it still wont work. I unchecked it and restarted Daz still no luck. Do I need to put in a support ticket? I never purchased Animate2 I just had animate lite but it is once again not in my panes.
Thanks so much again.
Heh, I must admit I am less kowledgeable about AniMate than soem features.
If it's checked in About installed plug-ins is its icon green or red? Assuming you are using the free AniMate Lite is the box to enter a serial number still there? Sometimes, at least in the past, people have entered their DS serial which ends up completely disabling the plug-in.
OK, Red means it isn't wotrking - if you select it in the list what does it then say in the info box at the bottom of the dialogue?
Sorry I lied it is actually grey. There is nothing in the information box. Thanks
Grey means disabled - is it currently checked or unchecked? Make sure it is checked, restart DS, and then look at AniMate's entry in the About Installed Plug-ins dialogue
Checked the box. Restarted Daz.
Here is the informaton in the installed plugins screen
Filename :
C:/Program Files/DAZ 3D/DAZStudio4/plugins/aniMate2.dll
Name :
aniMate 2
Author :
GoFigure! LLC
Version :
Evaluation :
aniMate 2
Checked my panes and there is still no Animate Pane available
tried setting an animation to Genesis and got this error in the log file
2017-07-06 18:01:36.184 Error in script execution: M:/M_Daz/My DAZ 3D Library/aniBlocks/aniMate/Dance/ankle_touch_and_point.ds
Here is the full info from the log
2017-07-06 18:01:27.741 File loaded in 0 min 2.5 sec.
2017-07-06 18:01:27.749 Loaded file: genesis.duf
2017-07-06 18:01:35.775 WARNING: cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): peer performed orderly shutdown errno=0
2017-07-06 18:01:36.175 Loading script: M:/M_Daz/My DAZ 3D Library/aniBlocks/aniMate/Dance/ankle_touch_and_point.ds
2017-07-06 18:01:36.179 WARNING: Script Error: Line 1
2017-07-06 18:01:36.179 WARNING: TypeError: Result of expression 'App.getInterface().getPaneMgr().findPane( "aniMate" )' [null] is not an object.
2017-07-06 18:01:36.183 WARNING: Stack Trace:
<anonymous>()@M:/M_Daz/My DAZ 3D Library/aniBlocks/aniMate/Dance/ankle_touch_and_point.ds:1
2017-07-06 18:01:36.184 Error in script execution: M:/M_Daz/My DAZ 3D Library/aniBlocks/aniMate/Dance/ankle_touch_and_point.ds
Mine is the same, except that for Evaluation it says 0 Days remaining. I think that you do probably need to open a support ticket, I would suggest you attach a screen-shot of the About Installed Plug-ins dialogue with the AniMate 2 entry highlighted.