Cant remember how to categorize the lost and found

in New Users
I know I must have asked this before and I remember the menu where you'd assign an item a breakdown from the categories....Props/Weapons/etc....
How do I categorize an item in my Lost and Found..?
It's not right-click anything.
The story is, my Lost and found has about 75% of my recent purchases. (older items and such)
I want to get them into my Smart Content Pane in their proper sub-areas..
How do do I....
I thought this was easy and quick, but apparently not.....
Are you just looking to categorize them, or do you want to make them Smart? Right-click > Categorize to just categorize them, I don't recall the easy method for making an item Smart, something like dragging from the Content Library > Categories into the Smart Content category with the item it's for selected in the Viewport.
Yeah, that's a tough one. I'm trying to add them to the smart category I can look up PROPS, FIGURES, WARDROBE and have ALL MY ITEMS listed.
AND I believe items end up there when they don't have categories chosen in their metadata. Sooooo
Editing the metadata SHOULD fix that.
When I choose to edit the metadata and there's no space to enter the category even though there's an empty field for category.
The area under ASSETS (for file/category) seems to be for the individual pieces and not the product itself.
A product will appear in each category assigned to one or more of its items.