Dumbest question ever: How do I get my Preferences Pane Back?
Hello! I've just installed Daz and I'm trying to follow some online tutorials, but I realized that my sidebar is different than everyone else's. I'm missing the all-too important Preferences Pane! How do I get it to show up?
Thanks for your help! I'm sure the solution is something really simple but I'm an idiot.
To get to preferences just click F2 or go to Edit - Preferences - Its not a tab that stays up so perhaps that is not what you mean ?
Under Window Panes is a complete list of what panes/tabs are available or You can change your layout by going to Window -Workspace - Select Layout - There are several built in options so perhaps one of them will suit you better
If none of this helps perhaps mention what you are wanting to see there or link to the tutorial so we can point you in the right direction
I guess you mean Parameters, since it isn't showing in with the other property panes - as Tottallou says, Window>Panes(Tabs)>Parameters will show it and you can then drag the tab into the pane group (drag the tab in with the others). And as also said, you can also do a complete reset with Window>Workspace>Select Layout.