DIM (DAZ Install Manager)

SCPdesignSCPdesign Posts: 8
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

I think the DIM is a marvelous idea seeing that I have over 830+ files in my account. Thank you DAZ!

This issue is probably here though I've yet to discover it. So if this has already been mentioned or addressed, I'd like to apologize now for the "double post" . . .

Many (I mean lots) of my account content (software packages and/or video related content excluded) does not appear in the DIM at all. I must manually retrieve them from the site via download reset. Even with all options under the DIM "download" tab checked, along with "display hidden" checked, they're just not there.

So I guess this is a bug report then?

Thoughts or feedback appreciated. :)


  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    A bug report may be in order, depending on what the items are.

    Not everything has been converted to work with the DIM yet, but they must be nearly finished now. What items are you missing?

  • SCPdesignSCPdesign Posts: 8
    edited December 1969

    I think the older content might be problematic. I've been with DAZ since 2004. Items like Gargoyle Hound and related. Princess of India, Atlantis, Eire, China. The list is long. Bryce and Carrara content as well. Could be an issue with my account. I see my forum posts and profile are no longer existent and the system won't let me fix it. Just have to wait and see what the future of DIM looks like.

  • JimmyC_2009JimmyC_2009 Posts: 8,891
    edited December 1969

    When the new site was created in May 2012, the old site was acrhcived, and forum posts can still be searched. Everybody started new again.

    They have not finished converting everything yet, but you should certailnly get everything in your Itemised Order History eventually. Are the items you are looking for in there?

    Bryce and Carrara content, applications and plugins have not been tackled yet, and will arrive in the future. The content is being worked on daily, and there are many thousands of items to be converted. DAZ are doing a good job with it, and the DIM is a marvelous tool. You can submit a Bug Report, or write to Support to see if they can help you any more.

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