? Using DAZ 4.5 on Multiple Computers
I am wondering if I should use the same license for all three computers or should use a seperate license for each one(all licenses under my DAZ account, of course). DAZ was most generous with the free offer so I want to 'play by the book.' Of course, once I've gotten started learning I want to make things as easy as possible also once I move to more difficult tasks.
A friend recommended that I get DAZ Studio to learn how to work with 3D figures. I am totally new to the area.
Because I will be moving between 3 computers I took advantage of DAZ's offer of a no-cost copy and ordered two of them and used the first serial number for my home computer.
Why 3 computers ? 1 is a desktop which is my main home computer but is getting a little old. 2 is a laptop and I'd like to do at least some study while on the road. Then I strongly plan to buy a new computer to replace my aging home computer in the very near future.
Thank you for any information or suggestions.
Well it used to be rather loose for family computers and I think it still is to a point. They all being your computers ... however for the grande cost of $0 and the new eul which has been rather confusing ... certainly no harm in ordering 1 more for the next computer.
Still okay to have on all YOUR PC's for your own use. You will only EVER get one Serial code. A New user (your Child) would get a different Serial code after they Bought it (free) for their PC.
Maybe you've only got one, but others have several including moi.
Maybe you've only got one, but others have several including moi.Several for the SAME version? I have Two for DS4 and Above but that was only because I PAID for DS4.0 Pro.
EDIT: Each to there on. I never needed more than one because I understood, and still do, what the one would allow.
EDIT: Each to there on. I never needed more than one because I understood, and still do, what the one would allow.
Yeah, I found it a little confusing whether certain downloads were betas or product releases or whatever and somehow ended up with a bunch of 'em. However one only needs one D/S4.x on any one computer lol ...
But you can have a copy on each of your computers using only one serial code. You don't need a separate code for each copy.
A year ago I asked this DAZ directly. I don´t remember who answered, whether Britney from Sales department or someone else, but the answer was that when all the computers belong to me and I am the only one using them, then I only need one license, which I can use on all my computers.
Thanks so much for the quick replies.
Seeing them, I think for now I'll just use one of the license numbers and leave the other unused for the future.
Also, I'm glad to see that I'm not being dense about not seeing the use of multiple computers being unclear in the TOS / EULA.
Thank you for your help and thank you to DAZ.