Attention new users: Don't be afraid!

PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

To ask questions here.Trust me, you'll get good answers.
So what if you don't know everything. You've just started in 3D.
And the people who seem to know the most started out in the same place in the past.
Those people are the most respectful when providing answers, and if you don't
understand the answer, ask for clarification. They'll stay with you until you do.
Not just about Studio, either.
I built my present rendering computer with the help of people here who knew more
about rendering computers than I do, I feel no shame in admitting that.
You can get good advice on just about everything here, just ask.
But PLEASE put your question in the title! The member who knows about Geometry Editor
is more likely to read a thread entitled "Need Geometry Editor Help" than one that
is titled "Please Help!"
There's a good bunch of people here, and they share an extensive knowledge base.
Don't be ashamed to use it.


  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,128

    Also, don't be afraid to experiment.  I think, even in this day of ubiquitous computing, people are afraid that they'll break something if they hit the wrong button.  This is actually very difficult to do (do be somewhat careful when saving things).  If you do some weird thing as you are experimenting and Studio crashes… well, so what.  Report it, and you'll have learned something.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Yup, the forums here shortened my learning curve by at least half if not more.  I would also suggest you check out the newbie contest thread.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    I totally agree. There is a lot I love about Daz but the single best feature of it is this board. It's a time/life saver!

  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    Also don't be afraid of the costs.  There is Platinum Club, and sales.  My library grew and grew and I'd venture to say I still spend more on smoking.  They had a big sale on PC items I finally got some places to stand a girl.  I have bought shaders when they were on sale so I can dress up those dated old items. I bought a wear them all product and learned to fit shoes with heels so I can use that old V4 stuff too. I bought morph packs and skin builder and make my own characters.  I finally picked up some lights and skies. Again, on sale! Make a budget and keep a spending stash to take advantage of sales and wishlist items to see what is on sale quickly.  You don't really have to be rich to do this.  I have so much stuff even if I tried I couldn't make it all myself.  That is the beauty of this system, access to so many things you don't have to try and build because someone already did it and made it available for free or for sale.  Its like a dressup game on Meth, Crack, and Steriods!!!!  In the end you have an artist quality render to boot.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    Speaking of Platinum Club and sales, even if you just get 3 month membership for August, Sept and October - the huge PC+ sale and the huge PA sale are traditionally held in Sept and October.  As a platinum club member you might actually cry when you see how inexpensive a huge amount of stuff is.  And the PA sale is another one where you can really pick up some awesome stuff for a really really good price.  If you don't shop any other time of year, you should shop these two sales.  But, for the PC+ sale you do need to be a member to get the best price.  Usually club membership goes on sale right before the sale as well

  • I had to let mine lapse a bit but boy I miss it.  I was suppose to be done spending until the middle of August but Star 2.0 was on sale and I added some add-ons for her.  I am trying to get a little ahead for the sales.  I want a lot of nature stuff from RDNA for building scenes and there are plenty of PC items on my list.  Even if you go into hock a little on a good sale, it works out better to get it during the sale.  If you try Platinum Club and see those extra savings and coupons then you understand how affordable it can be as a hobby.

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