What are Daz 3D's must have customization products?

Hi. What is everything I need to customize these models faces and bodies to the fullest?


  • Genesis (Male)

  • Genesis 2 Male

  • Genesis 3 Male


My goal is to create marketable characters of different ethnicities. No genitals needed.


  • RitaCelesteRitaCeleste Posts: 625

    Well, for marketable characters I'd say wait for the Gen 8/ Mike 8 to come out and deck him out as products come out for him.  You might want skin products to make skins for the morphed characters. Sickleyeild did some ethnic morph packs for Genesis 3, I'd start there if I were you and couldn't wait. There is also a 200 morphs for genesis 3 male faces that might help.  I am guilty of ignoring the male G3 to focus on the female.  I love the female version.  Also shapeshift for the bodies....I love the girl version. But make sure its a merchant resource before you use it on something for sale as packing up a character and not including certain things is very important. Copyrights and all.  You can require a morph pack for a dialed up character but if you require too many of those, your charcters might not sell as well.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880

    Many artists use ZBrush to create custom morphs for Daz characters that they sell in the store. Please pay close attention the advice from RitaCeleste in regard to Merchant Resources and copyright issues so you don't waste your time creating something that you cannot legally sell.

  • Well, for marketable characters I'd say wait for the Gen 8/ Mike 8 to come out and deck him out as products come out for him.  You might want skin products to make skins for the morphed characters. Sickleyeild did some ethnic morph packs for Genesis 3, I'd start there if I were you and couldn't wait. There is also a 200 morphs for genesis 3 male faces that might help.  I am guilty of ignoring the male G3 to focus on the female.  I love the female version.  Also shapeshift for the bodies....I love the girl version. But make sure its a merchant resource before you use it on something for sale as packing up a character and not including certain things is very important. Copyrights and all.  You can require a morph pack for a dialed up character but if you require too many of those, your charcters might not sell as well.

    Thanks a lot. It might be a few months until they release Genesis 8 Male so I'll get Genesis 3 Male and work with him for now.


    barbult said:

    Many artists use ZBrush to create custom morphs for Daz characters that they sell in the store. Please pay close attention the advice from RitaCeleste in regard to Merchant Resources and copyright issues so you don't waste your time creating something that you cannot legally sell.

    Thanks, but I'd rather use morphs. Thanks to RitaCeleste I understand that anything I buy for characters I intend to sell has to say "Merchant Resource". Other than that are there any hidden or unexpected copyright pitfalls or issues I need to look out for?

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