Skin material problem

in New Users
So every so often I load my genesis 3, then apply a skin material to it and it changes the model's color away from skin tone to a darker color that makes it look like its no longer skin- but perhaps plastic? Or it just looks dead.
As you can see from the attached pic (if I attached it right), the half on the left is th e way the character looked before I applied a different skin (Iray), but then the new skin looks too dark and not really like it did in the picture on the site where I bought it. I am guessing there is something I need to adjust on the surface panel.

skin problem.jpg
500 x 500 - 106K
How do they look rendered, in the engine the materials are amde for (Iray or 3Delight)?
Hopefully by now you got it figured out but in my experiance, when a character loads with that flesh colored skin (left) it's the 3DL skin(could be wrong). I have quite a few characters that load like that and then look like yours does on the right when I apply an Iray skin. However, when rendered they tend to look fine. There have been some occasions when I have rendered a character and the skin looked corpse like. That does take a lot of trial and error adjustment in surfaces to get a tone that you approve of. When it comes to using these characters, I tend to just skip all that and pick a different characters material that I like and apply that. Often with really great results.
I am including another pic. In this pic I have the same Genesis 3 Female model- but using two different skins that are both designed for Iray and for Genesis 3 Females. They are wearing the same dress and have the same pose. As you can see the dress renders normal, but the skin does not. I am also using the latest version of studio, but had the same problem with other versions as well.
I am wondering if there is something else I need to do before I apply the skin, rather than just find it in the character's materials forlder and clicking on the Iray listed version? Or perhaps if th ere is something I need to do to the skin after I load it that I am missing. I just apply the skin and go about rendering. I would say about a good third of my purchased skins have this problem- but the skin that comes with the various base figures themselves (Ie victoria 7's own skin, Genesis 3's own skin) all seem to work correctly. Maybe I need to do something more than just apply the new skin?
Maybe there is something wrong, or not checked properly in the surfaces tab? If there is, then it would have to affect some but not all of the other skins I load, because this problem is not one I have had with all of the ones I have purchased. Generally the only time I do anything to the surfaces tab is i f I am tweaking a texture for clothing or props.
Skin on the left is the Nala for Genesis 3 skin I bought tonight- which I am really excited to try because I think it will be perfect for my particular model I am making- other than the fact that it turns out way dark for me... The one on the right I believe is the base Genesis 3 female skin. I do notice that the non-Iray version changes the skin somewhat but it is still too dark and doesnt look right.
So thanks in advance... I hope someone can pinpoint what I am doing wrong. I know it has to be something silly that I am doing wrong on a tab I can move or something.
It may meant to be like that - the issue may be a lot of skin translucency (which lets the light in to get partially absorbed rather than bouncing it off the skin). The preview doesn't reflect the more advanced material features.
Here is what the skin is supposed to look like
If that's a promo, we don't know what lighting was used
I figured it out. Basically I had to adjust the transluscency of the skin in the surface tab. Oddly enough, when I did that it now looks like (or very close to) the promo image. I'm not used to doing that kind of stuff to get a product to work like it should 'out of the box' as it were...
Some products do have presets to adjust to lower translucency.