Creating textures for obj files.

I have several props that are in obj files - I would like to make textures for them.  I assume step one would be uv mapping them.  WIll the process of uv mapping them give me the.. unfolded version that I can use to make a texture? Or do I need to do something else for that?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880

    Yes, UV mapping is where you would start. That will give you the unfolded UV map that you can use as a template to paint your textures in a 2D program like Photoshop or the Gimp. I am not a UV mapping expert, but there are others in the forum who are, in case you run into problems.

  • Are the Obj's already uv mapped, and you want to change the texture, or are you working with completely unmapped objects?


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