Sitting on a chair

im struggling trying to work out how to get my character to simply sit in a chair in daz studio, someone please help!


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880

    Are you using a pre-built sitting pose or are you posing from scratch yourself? Can you be more specific about what aspect of the posing is giving you the  problem? Is it getting the angle of the body parts right or something else? Please attach a screenshot so we understand better.

  • barbult said:

    Are you using a pre-built sitting pose or are you posing from scratch yourself? Can you be more specific about what aspect of the posing is giving you the  problem? Is it getting the angle of the body parts right or something else? Please attach a screenshot so we understand better.

    hi and thanks for the reply.

    I just want to get my female genesis 3 to sit on a chair using both a pre built pose and from scratch but despite searching though all the help videos I cant find anything.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880

    Please try to describe the problem in more detail with a screenshot to illustrate the trouble.

    Are you having a problem applying the a prebuilt sitting pose to your character? Does you character not go into the sitting pose?

    Is the problem that the character is "sitting", but isn't making contact with the chair you selected?

    What posing tools have you tried to use to pose the character yourself? Have you tried the PowerPose tool? Are you selecting the characters bones and bending them with the Parameters pane? Are you using the Active Pose tool?

    Have you been able to watch any YouTube tutorials about posing? Here is a basic one, although not specifically about sitting.


  • You are confusing me with terminology I dont know of, sorry.

    Is there not a simple 'this is how you get a character to sit on a chair' tutorial.

    Do i need to make the chair the child to the characters bottom or just to the character for example.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,880
    edited July 2017

    Sorry for too much technical babble. I really am trying to help, but I can't get a handle on the specifics of your problem, because you haven't answered any of my questions. I am not aware of any specific tutorial for seating a character in a chair.

    It is not necessary to make the chair the child of the character or any part of the character (that is called "parenting"). Once you have the character and chair in the proper places, you can parent one to the other to make them move together, if you want to relocate the pair in the scene. If you parent them after they are positioned and posed, be sure to select Parent in Place.

    This is what I would do:

    1. Load the chair in the scene
    2. Load the character in the scene
    3. Select the character in the Scene pane and apply a premade sitting pose that looks like the approximately correct position for the selected chair.
    4. Use the Translate tool or the XYZ Translate parameters in the Parameters pane to move the character to the chair's position (or the chair to the character's position), so the sitting character is lined up with the chair. Use the Rotate tool or the XYZ rotate parameters in the Parameters pane to make the character face the right way.
    5. In the Scene pane, right click on the character and select Expand/Expand from Selected. That will show you all the bones of the character.
    6. Select the Pelvis, Thigh, Shin, etc.bone, etc. and adjust the Bend, Side-Side, Twist parameters in the Parameters pane to adjust the character to the specific chair.
    7. If the character is too big or small for the chair (feet go through the floor or don't touch the floor when the butt is on the chair seat), you can either change the leg bend or sometimes it is easier to just scale the chair up or down.
    8. The character will not cause chair cushions to indent from her weight. The chair will not squish the characters butt. This make the interaction look kind of wrong. There are products and techniques to help with this, but it can be tricky.
    9. When you have everything as good as you can get it, you can optionally parent them together or create a group with both of them in it. Either Select the chair, right click and select Change chair parent, select your character, be sure Parent in Place is checked. Then you can select the character and the character and chair move together. Or select both your character and the chair and from the main menus select Create New Group and click Parent selected items to group. Then you can move the group and the character and chair move together.

    In my attached example, I moved the chair to where the posed character was. I rotated the character to face the right way on the chair. I moved the character so the feet in the shoes touched the ground. The pose was too complex to start moving legs and arms, so I just scaled the chair to meet the character's butt and intersect it a little, so it looked like she was squished by the chair, even though she really poked through the chair seat. I parented the chair to the character.

    G8F in chair.jpg
    810 x 1045 - 350K
    Post edited by barbult on
  • glennblackphotosglennblackphotos Posts: 160
    edited July 2017

    Excellent thank you that's perfect :)

    Post edited by glennblackphotos on
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