Indoor/Skydome Lighting Issues

LexLex Posts: 0

I have had this issue with a few different sets and environments where as soon as i add a skydome or try to render inside a building the scene becomes black. Im sure for some this is an easy fix. people have told me to turn off the cast shadows option along with some other advice, however I am running DAZ 3D 4.9 and i am not finding these tabs or sections they speak if. Please Help!


  • Lex said:

    I have had this issue with a few different sets and environments where as soon as i add a skydome or try to render inside a building the scene becomes black. Im sure for some this is an easy fix. people have told me to turn off the cast shadows option along with some other advice, however I am running DAZ 3D 4.9 and i am not finding these tabs or sections they speak if. Please Help!


  • ElliandraElliandra Posts: 586

    Hi Lex! There are a few options you can use.

    1. In the Scene Tab select the ceiling on the room you are using and click the eyeball to turn it off. If there is no eyeball you should be able to find the surface for it in the Surface Tab you can turn the opacity to 0%. This will allow you to not have the black render BUT will not render as realistically.

    2. If the Ceiling is it's own seperate prop or figure you can select it in the scene pane and go into the parameters pane and click on the Display section then turn the casts shadows off. If it's not showing for you then go into the Parameters Menu and click "Show Hidden" to get it to show up. It will appear greyed out but you will be able to use it.

    Hope this helps!

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