Question about IK w Genesis

When using IK Terminators on a figure like genesis (on pelvis and collar) - do you generally want to check 'Exclude from children chains'?


  • Still having problems with Genesis IK - I created Target Helpers for both feet and hands and added IK modifiers to each hand and foot and checked box to track their respective targets.

    Moving individual IK Targets works for hands and feet.

    However, if I lower the hip, then knees don't bend - the figure just moves down through floor.

    The Hip already as an IK terminator.

    Not sure if that should be on the Pelvis-  but i got errative results with that as well.

    I dragged the 4 Target Helpers under the top level of the figure, so they wouldn't be left behind if i moved the whole figure.

    Anything simple I'm missing?


  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    is there a reason you're using IK rather than posing the figure manually,. or,.. loading poses / adjusting to suit

    also,.. is there some reason you NEED to use Genesis,. it's rigging doesn't work well in Carrara, (compared to previous generations of figures)

    When you're animating it shouldn't be more compicated than it needs to be,. it's tough enough with a figure which can be easily posed


  • Mosk the ScribeMosk the Scribe Posts: 888
    edited August 2017

    @3DAGE - I need to use Genesis, because I'm using Facegen to put two specific people's faces onto two models, and FaceGen specifically works with Genesis (and Gen2, Gen 3 for pro version).  So V4/M4 aren't an option for this project.

    And I thought IK would lead to easier, natural looking poses as opposed to just rotating joints.  (Plus I want to learn the correct way to set up and use IK for future projects).

    Wasn't sure if there's a problem with IK / rigging on Genesis or if I simply messed something up, either of which are entirely possible :) 


    Post edited by Mosk the Scribe on
  • 3DAGE -just found this post of your from a different thread about IK Chains:

    However,. in the case of Genesis, the bones and IK are set up differently from previous figures,. so,. in Carrara,. if you move genesis's foot,. the other leg can also move in the opposite direction,. which isn't right.
    To fix that,. select each Thigh and go to modifiers and add an "IK Terminator",... Do the same for the arms, by selecting each shoulder and adding an IK terminator.
    That will allow you to pose and move the figure normally.
    Also,. Faba has a kit on shareCG,. which are modifiers and constraints, you can drag from the browser and drop onto genesis to set up the IK terminators.
    edited for spelling

     I've seen different advice about putting the terminators on Shoulders vs Collars and Thighs vs Pelvis - also didn't know if I was supposed to check 'Exclude child chains' when adding the terminators.

    Regarding Faba's kit on share CG - how do you apply the different .cbr files after adding the targets? 

  • 3DAGE3DAGE Posts: 3,311

    I know there have been photo/face generating tools around for some time,. and those worked on previous generations of figures,. so i'm confused as to why face gen only works with genesis

    Poser has a Built in Photo to face map/morph thing.

    Anyway,.. no biggie,. you've got your faces and you're done with that part,..


    IK vs manual posing,. i suppose it's the difference between a puppet using strings and a rig,. or stop motion/ hand animation

    Both should be able to produce the same results.


    For the child chains, that would be the Hand/Forearm/Upper arm (up to the terminator) ,. so no,. you'd want to keep those working as normal

    just adding the terminator to the shoulder,.  should stop any unwanted movement past the shoulder.

    Faba's stuff should be in the browser / MISC tab / under faba's / Constraints /Modifiers

  • MistaraMistara Posts: 38,675

    is this how you move the hip but the hands and feet stay pinned?

    like the way poser does it when ik is on right/left leg. on
    v4/m4 loaded into poser with the ik legs automatically on

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