Environment item comes as figure?
One of the architecture items I have is set up as a figure with bones when adding it to the scene. So the wall is a bone, the roof is a bone, the desk is a bone and so on. Every bone is part of the same figure. But with this setup no subitem like a chair can be moved around or reordered. Is there a way to convert this to single seperated prop items? The "Edit->Rigging->Convert Figure to Prop" merges everything into one prop instead of seperating them.
Which product is this?
Are you saying the chairs aren't bones? If they are you should be able to move them (in the environment). Or are you wanting to chnage the ordering as listed in the Scene pane?
I have to check later which one exactly it was as I'm at the moment not on my DS computer but it's one of the sci-fi interiors from a petipet product if that helps.
They are bones and moving them in the scene did work for some parts but only a single piece or everything at the same time. It doesn't work when using the arrows in the scene (those move everything) only the parameter dials move the part. Putting them in a group inside the scene pane didn't work. I'm also not able to move them outside the figure (in the scene pane) to delete what isn't needed for lower memory consumption.
I could probably cut out and delete the parts not needed with the geometry editor but wanted to ask if there is a faster or automatic way to convert it properly.
Geometry Editor would have been my suggestion - It should be fairly quick if you use the group list in the Tool Settings pane to select (click the + next to the group you want to keep, right-click in the Viewport>Geoemtry Visibility>Hide Unselected, right-click>Geoemtry Editing>Delete Hidden, save as a prop, undo and go on to the enxt item)..
Ok thank you that works so far. For some scene elements there are controls in the parameters tab like to open a door or wardrobe. The open door one I would like to keep associated only to the door while deleting the wardrobe one for it. But if I delete some of the controls in the parameters tab and save that with "Figure/Prop Assets" the deleted controls will be back when adding it to the scene. Is there a way to save the cleaned scene element as a figure with only the unused controls removed?
You might need to remove the files the Data\Author\Product\Items\Morphs\Author\Product folder to remove the unwanted morphs once saved.
But that removes the morph for all items as I understand it. Is there a way to have the door morph only show up for the new made door figure and the chair morph only for the new chair?
Each item should have its own folder.
Ok I see. Tank you for the help.