Daz Studio Visible/Invisible Quirk?

DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

Why doesn't a parented item control visibility?  You'd think turning off the parent in the scene panel would turn off all parented items. It would make it quick to move around complex scenes. But I have to go in by hand and turn off every item and sometimes the parents of still more subordinate items. Seems counter-intuitive. Is there a work around aside from creating a "group"?


  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    Verify, but I think To toggle a bunch of nodes (to hide, or not cast shadows, etc.), select the root node you want to start from in the Scene Tab and right-click, then choose "Select Children".  Then In the Parameters tab under Display, set both parameters Visible and "Visible In Render" to Off .

  • If that doesn't work, open the Parameters pane option menu (lined button in the top corner or right-click the name tab) and make sure that Consolidate Properties is checked and that Display Separate Items is not checked.

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