HAAAALP!! My View Port just disappeared
I was trying to navigate around my view port in a scene and my mouse acted squirrley and hiccuped on something and BOOM! No more View Port (See attached) Does anyone know what it clicked on and more importantly, how to unclick it? I kinda have stuff to do. Mucho Cool Points to who ever can tell me how to fix it!!
P.S. I already tried re-starting Daz and no go.

1920 x 1079 - 116K
Post edited by DDCreate on
Which version are you running? I am trying to figure out where to turn it on and off.
4.9? I have it figrued out though. I changed my Work Space to a different layout then back to the one I use and it came back. But you still get the Mucho Cool Points for trying ;)
I was still looking it up. Window to panes (tabs) and find viewport which can turn on or off the view port. You can also fine tabs for the plugins you got.