Upgraded Studio 4.5 to latest version, and now can't open/load Genisis figures.
Hi All,
I've upgraded Studio 4.5 to the latest version and now can't open Genesis figures, at all. I installed the newer 'Genesis Essentials' as part of the process so not sure which part of the process created the problem. But if I hit 'Open' in the File menu, the processes dialog box seems to be trying to open a figure, but then goes away and nothing happens.
I can open other older figures, non-Genesis figures including older Abby, Dragons, etc., but the Genisis based older renders open as blocky figures. And again, can't open a new blank new Genesis figure at all.
Any thoughts here?
- Sol
Never mind, solved it. Just had to direct it to the DAZ/People' folder and select Genesis. It works now.