DAZ Studio 4.5 Release Candidate 2



  • DavidGBDavidGB Posts: 565
    edited December 1969

    I notice in the DS 4.5 Change Log page at http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/change_log there have appeared entries:

    Added support for valueOpKey from pz3 importer
    Added support for valueOpKey to DSON save


    Fixed an issue with valueOpKey import
    Added support for valueOpKey to Cr2 exporter


    Updated property editor to include a “Keyed” ERC type

    I understood the previous Poser ERC system very well, but have never got into the newer 'dependent parameter' system in Poser and the 'keyed' master parameter type, other than being vaguely aware it existed. Would I be correct, then, in assuming that DS 4.5, when it is released (not in the RC2 as those change log entries are from later versions than RC2) will actually support the current Poser 9/Pro 2012 dependent parameter system? Both for importing the latest Poser figures that use it, and for our use within DS?

    If so, then this, along with support for Poser propagating scale and a few other things I see in the Change Log, would seem to indicate a positive move (back?) to trying to maintain support for current generation Poser content. Indeed it would scotch the complaints by some Poser users I've read in other places about how DAZ have never developed support in DS for any Poser features past the Poser 4/Pro Pack standard - and I've certainly read posts pointing specifically to lack of support in DS for Poser Dependent Parameters as being a major negative against DS.

  • swordkensiaswordkensia Posts: 348
    edited December 1969

    Does this mean that all the Sixus 1 figures' Morphs that don't currently work in DS 4.0 will in the next DS4.5.???

    That would be excellent if they did.


  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    I've been tinkering with the point-based occlusion script (it's awesome, thanks guys!!), and there's something I can't wrap my head around... I render the same scene with the same settings (shading rate 0.5, pixel samples 6), with and without PBO script. It looks to me like there's some increasing of light intensity going on in the PBO script (or an extra light being added??), but I can't figure out where it comes from.

    Here's a PBO script result and a basic two-light render (DSMs). I had to dial the Light Intensity down to 75% and Intensity scale to 0.5 to make the scripted render look more like the basic one... Is it intended to work this way?

    It also looks like every time I save a render when it's done, the render settings in the scripted 3delight panel revert to defaults.

    PS I changed the fullSceneCameraProject to cameraProject for the point cloud camera, otherwise the AO was very crude even with cloud shading rate down to 0.1

    Hi Muskatt

    I was missing our discussions on SSS :)
    I tested PBO a bit and didn"t notice any light change with or without. Did you disable the simple occlusion light in render settings?

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    Hi Muskatt

    I was missing our discussions on SSS :)
    I tested PBO a bit and didn"t notice any light change with or without. Did you disable the simple occlusion light in render settings?

    *waves* Hi Takeo, me too! Did the old thread ever get resurrected? I'm still feeling somewhat lost in the new forums!

    I tried disabling it. One time it seemed to give me the correct levels + AO, but all the other times it was disabling all the lights in that scene along with it and just rendered a black silhouette. If I understood the scripts correctly, this mysterious "simple light" simply holds the parameters that all the lights are then iterated with, but I'm not sure... there's that "pointoccULsionlight" (yes with a typo, there´s a lot of those in there) class or function that is used there which may shed more light upon it all (ahem), but I can't seem to find it in the 3Delight docs nor in other DS scripts (and "fixing" the typo broke everything)... Maybe it's just me missing something obvious, and I need a good sleep before trying to decipher scripts, not jumping into them after job hours =)

    To tell the truth, the scripts do work somewhat erratically for me, i.e. changing stuff by hand in the files themselves does work, but using the interface to pass the settings to 3Delight usually needs saving the scene, otherwise the render's not affected. Maybe something went wrong during the install (it's on a removable HDD)...

    I also wonder if the release version is going to have "edit" buttons functional for the scripted render settings. Or is scripted render supposed to be so advanced that users are expected to be able to edit the script files to get over those limits?

  • Mosk the ScribeMosk the Scribe Posts: 888
    edited December 1969

    I installed DAZ 4.5 RC2 the other day because it was required to get Genesis content to show up in Carrara 8.5 beta.

    I'm also trying to evaluate Faceshop - which had installed properly in the prior version of DAZ 4 Pro - but now it's not showing up in the DAZ4.5 RC2 even afgter going through re-installation of Faceshop.

    When I check plugin status, I see the following listed as failed:

    Is this faceshop incompatibility known about and being addressed?
    And is that dz3bridge the Photoshop bridge or something else?

    (I'll need to remove the 4.5 rc2 and go back to older version since only have 30 days to eval faceshop)

  • DisparateDreamerDisparateDreamer Posts: 2,504
    edited December 1969

    Do dynamics not work in this version? i can't find a dynamics window/tab anywhere, its not under windows/tabs.

    I'm going crazy without my dynamics... HELP!

  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    (I'll need to remove the 4.5 rc2 and go back to older version since only have 30 days to eval faceshop)

    Unfortunately I have been forced to do the same. 4.5 RC2 was running very well for me but the inability to use existing plugins, such as Reality and FaceShop is a killer. (And also, I'd suggest extremely irritating for the plugin developers themselves).

    I don't understand how this can really be called a "Release Candidate"! After all, if you cannot even run the existing plugins then how the hell do you know if the product as a whole actually works? And how can you do a point release that totally changes the base file format? Shouldn't this be 5.0?

    And take a good look at that Change Log: I was stunned to find that even now there are changes being made to the core functionality!

    No, DAZ. No. No. No!

    A Release Candidate is just that - a candidate for release. It can't be if you're still adding in new features and making changes that were not driven by bug reports!!! Please - go back to basic software development methodologies and resist the temptation to let your coders run amok in this way!

    Unfortunately, this is starting to feel very much like the Web Site "upgrade" fiasco all over again :(

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    acanthis said:

    (I'll need to remove the 4.5 rc2 and go back to older version since only have 30 days to eval faceshop)

    Unfortunately I have been forced to do the same. 4.5 RC2 was running very well for me but the inability to use existing plugins, such as Reality and FaceShop is a killer. (And also, I'd suggest extremely irritating for the plugin developers themselves).

    I don't understand how this can really be called a "Release Candidate"! After all, if you cannot even run the existing plugins then how the hell do you know if the product as a whole actually works? And how can you do a point release that totally changes the base file format? Shouldn't this be 5.0?

    And take a good look at that Change Log: I was stunned to find that even now there are changes being made to the core functionality!

    No, DAZ. No. No. No!

    A Release Candidate is just that - a candidate for release. It can't be if you're still adding in new features and making changes that were not driven by bug reports!!! Please - go back to basic software development methodologies and resist the temptation to let your coders run amok in this way!

    Unfortunately, this is starting to feel very much like the Web Site "upgrade" fiasco all over again :(

    I only have a few quibbles with 4.5 RC2 (like Mocks Creeping Brain not loading right), but yeah - changing the core functionality means this ain't no RC, it's still BETA. Where I work, RC means "feature complete bugfix only".. but then I program embedded systems so they have to wok 100% on shipment. Whole different world.

    At least Carrara 8.5 loads the Creeping Brain properly!

  • Art_JunkieArt_Junkie Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Agreed! "Release Candidate" should mean all features locked! The only changes after that should be bug fixes reported by those testing the "Release Candidate". Unfortunately Daz seems to be caught up in a perpetual "Beta" cycle.

  • edited December 1969

    I have run into one problem with the new release. Whenever I try to load the IG photo studio lights, the program crashes.

  • JogitechJogitech Posts: 11
    edited December 1969

    i have the proble with 4.5 cr2 that the smart contend db not build over the content managment when startet. and second need i a script that doubel data killt when daz conntent in new version not deinstalled the old when change the dir position.

  • LeggyBlondLeggyBlond Posts: 124
    edited December 1969

    In view of the fact that this version is not the finished version, is there any vague time frame as to when a proper update will be available?

    Maybe I've missed something here but I'm still running Vs Adv., as I've not as yet seen any stable updates released. In the past, the only way I knew there was a proper update was by finding it in my downloads. As major updates always seem to be at the bottom of the downloads, with the knew download interface in mind, do we have to keep raking around amongst a plethora of available downloads just in case an update is there?


    Simply......Out There!

  • JesterVIIJesterVII Posts: 175
    edited December 1969

    Ok so I had DS4pro/4.5rc then comp crashed got a new comp installed DS4.5rc put my serial numbers in and now my auto fit does not work and I keep getting register pop-up when I start up daz.....How do I fix this?

  • GranvilleGranville Posts: 691
    edited December 1969

    Have they fixed the problem with depth of field not rendering?

    When I briefly evaluated it everything came out sharp no matter what. I can't use an unstable version for production, but I'm worried that support might get cut off for DS4 when the push to 4.5. There are still plugins (Dreamlight) that were not updated for version 4. It can take a long time for them to be updated for 4.5.

  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    Hi Muskatt

    I was missing our discussions on SSS :)
    I tested PBO a bit and didn"t notice any light change with or without. Did you disable the simple occlusion light in render settings?

    *waves* Hi Takeo, me too! Did the old thread ever get resurrected? I'm still feeling somewhat lost in the new forums!

    I tried disabling it. One time it seemed to give me the correct levels + AO, but all the other times it was disabling all the lights in that scene along with it and just rendered a black silhouette. If I understood the scripts correctly, this mysterious "simple light" simply holds the parameters that all the lights are then iterated with, but I'm not sure... there's that "pointoccULsionlight" (yes with a typo, there´s a lot of those in there) class or function that is used there which may shed more light upon it all (ahem), but I can't seem to find it in the 3Delight docs nor in other DS scripts (and "fixing" the typo broke everything)... Maybe it's just me missing something obvious, and I need a good sleep before trying to decipher scripts, not jumping into them after job hours =)

    To tell the truth, the scripts do work somewhat erratically for me, i.e. changing stuff by hand in the files themselves does work, but using the interface to pass the settings to 3Delight usually needs saving the scene, otherwise the render's not affected. Maybe something went wrong during the install (it's on a removable HDD)...

    I also wonder if the release version is going to have "edit" buttons functional for the scripted render settings. Or is scripted render supposed to be so advanced that users are expected to be able to edit the script files to get over those limits?

    No the old thread was not ressurected; We could do that and it's up to forumers to do it. I didn't work on my skin shader or other SSS shader lately so I don't have a lot to tell yet. I just do some renderings to see how my shader reacts. I plan to modify them to use the point based scripting. But a bit later. However you could ressurect it any time I'll come with pleasure :)

    About the simple Occlusion light : I've read the script again and made a Rib export to be sure. This light is just a simple light which can give occlusion. No more so you should disable it otherwise you have an additional light. You can see in the "shaders" directory that there is a new shader called "pointocculsionlight.sdl" (yep saw the Typo too but don't fix it it's also in the scripts or fix both) I don't use it as UE is more complete and it seems that it can also use point cloud. I have the feeling rendertimes have a lot improved with it but I'm not sure as my own shaders are not yet optimized to work with point clouds. For what I've tested the scripts work flawlessly. I've even copy pasted my DS4.5 directory to my notebook and it works without problem although I did not install it. I just installed default contents and that's all.

    I don't think there will be an "edit" button because I see no point in that. You have to write your own scripts anyway or partially based on Daz's ones if you wand to get something new.

    acanthis said:

    (I'll need to remove the 4.5 rc2 and go back to older version since only have 30 days to eval faceshop)

    Unfortunately I have been forced to do the same. 4.5 RC2 was running very well for me but the inability to use existing plugins, such as Reality and FaceShop is a killer. (And also, I'd suggest extremely irritating for the plugin developers themselves).

    The plugin SDK is also a RC and may change so I guess plugin developpers are waiting for the final release before releasing an update. So have to be patient. I'm running DS4 and DS4.5 and I must say that just because of the interface speed up and point based rendering and fewer crash, I can't go back to 4.xx. But I don't have reality nor faceshop or other plugins so I'm lucky on that. Plus I like to test new features. But they sure still have some bugs to correct before the final release.

    Have they fixed the problem with depth of field not rendering?

    When I briefly evaluated it everything came out sharp no matter what. I can't use an unstable version for production, but I'm worried that support might get cut off for DS4 when the push to 4.5. There are still plugins (Dreamlight) that were not updated for version 4. It can take a long time for them to be updated for 4.5.

    I've just rendered a quick scene to be sure and it works in RC2. I've never had problems with DOF till now. You had me frightened for a few minutes.

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    No the old thread was not ressurected; We could do that and it's up to forumers to do it. I didn't work on my skin shader or other SSS shader lately so I don't have a lot to tell yet. I just do some renderings to see how my shader reacts. I plan to modify them to use the point based scripting. But a bit later. However you could ressurect it any time I'll come with pleasure :)

    Alright =) I'm currently trying to make a simple procedural shader for skin, inspired by Indigone's stuff for Carrara, so when I have something interesting, I'll resurrect the thread if no one does it before me =)
    And you just gave me an idea to test photon mapping in 4.5 =)

    About the simple Occlusion light : I've read the script again and made a Rib export to be sure. This light is just a simple light which can give occlusion. No more so you should disable it otherwise you have an additional light. You can see in the "shaders" directory that there is a new shader called "pointocculsionlight.sdl" (yep saw the Typo too but don't fix it it's also in the scripts or fix both) I don't use it as UE is more complete and it seems that it can also use point cloud.

    Thanks!.. It's still strange why it does what it does to me - last time I disabled it, AO seemed to disappear.
    And what about UE, will it use point cloud if I use the scripted renderer? Or is there a switch in its own controls now? I'm asking because I could not find anything like that.

    I have the feeling rendertimes have a lot improved with it but I'm not sure as my own shaders are not yet optimized to work with point clouds. For what I've tested the scripts work flawlessly. I've even copy pasted my DS4.5 directory to my notebook and it works without problem although I did not install it. I just installed default contents and that's all.

    I'm going to do a reinstall anyway - the thing is, I installed it in the same folder on the removable HDD that 4.xx used to reside in, and the installer didn't prompt me to remove the older version. On the one hand, there should be nothing that could hinder proper execution of scripts... on the other hand, who knows.

    I don't think there will be an "edit" button because I see no point in that. You have to write your own scripts anyway or partially based on Daz's ones if you wand to get something new.

    Yeah that makes sense... I'm using shader mixer lights more and more, anyway, to control the DSM samples individually rather than the same value per scene.

  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    Alright =) I'm currently trying to make a simple procedural shader for skin, inspired by Indigone's stuff for Carrara, so when I have something interesting, I'll resurrect the thread if no one does it before me =)
    And you just gave me an idea to test photon mapping in 4.5 =)

    Happy to read that :) hope to see your renders soon

    Thanks!.. It's still strange why it does what it does to me - last time I disabled it, AO seemed to disappear.
    And what about UE, will it use point cloud if I use the scripted renderer? Or is there a switch in its own controls now? I'm asking because I could not find anything like that.

    It's written in the DS4.5 changelog. However only UE takes a little advantage with point cloud. The standard DS lights don't and that is a pity. I've just tested a little scene. I had a 2 min gain on a close up portrait with hairs. So if you have other lights than UE with raytraced shadows, render time are the same. There is also the fact that the occlusion with point cloud is darker and softer so render is not quite the same

  • Mustakettu85Mustakettu85 Posts: 2,933
    edited December 1969

    It's written in the DS4.5 changelog. However only UE takes a little advantage with point cloud. The standard DS lights don't and that is a pity. I've just tested a little scene. I had a 2 min gain on a close up portrait with hairs. So if you have other lights than UE with raytraced shadows, render time are the same. There is also the fact that the occlusion with point cloud is darker and softer so render is not quite the same

    Thanks for testing! Please bear with me a little, I'm not feeling well tonight so my thoughts are muddled somewhat: so, in order to gain any advantage of the point cloud using UE, I need to use only the UE (and it should be set to do AO not ambient) in the scene and run the scripted renderer, - is it correct?

  • PinzelmeisterPinzelmeister Posts: 114
    edited December 1969

    I have been using the new version for all of one day . . . so my comments are preliminary at best. (I'm using the 64-bit version with Windows 7.) Thoughts so far: a) I have issues with saving files - I see someone else has already commented on this (i.e. not recognizing the file path etc). b) The program takes forever to start up for some reason (like . . . one minute or more?) c) Once it's running it works great . . . very smooth etc. I like it.

  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for testing! Please bear with me a little, I'm not feeling well tonight so my thoughts are muddled somewhat: so, in order to gain any advantage of the point cloud using UE, I need to use only the UE (and it should be set to do AO not ambient) in the scene and run the scripted renderer, - is it correct?

    Yup almost. You can still use other lights and set the shadows to deep shadow map. From what I've seen the big gain is when you render transmapped Hairs.

  • ZilvergrafixZilvergrafix Posts: 1,385
    edited December 1969

    what's the point on being stucked on the when they're more versions available?
    btw this is not a perfect version due to being a RC, so, bring the other releases please.

  • acanthisacanthis Posts: 604
    edited December 1969

    what's the point on being stucked on the when they're more versions available?
    btw this is not a perfect version due to being a RC, so, bring the other releases please.

    It's probably because they don't want to admit that 4.5 is still a beta and not really a Release Candidate at all. After all, if you have ten or twenty Release Candidates then it doesn't look too good. ;)

    Good practice dictates no more than 3 RCs, but a properly beta-tested and stable code product should only need 1 before going final!

  • Wallace3DWallace3D Posts: 166
    edited December 1969

    Any News on when RC3 will be available for us?

  • Akulla3DAkulla3D Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    Full uninstall. How do I do a full uninstall of DS? I want to start fresh, but when I uninstall it all the content is left and missing when I do a reinstall. So now I have all these broken items that say they are there but only have question mark where they should show up.

    Any help? Oh, and yes I know its got 3delight. ;)

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    Are you reinstalling the same version, or reverting from 4.5 to 4.0?

  • Akulla3DAkulla3D Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    Are you reinstalling the same version, or reverting from 4.5 to 4.0?

    I am trying to uninstall my current version and reinstall if fresh so I can clean up all my old content problems.

  • WoolyloachWoolyloach Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    wallace3d said:
    Any News on when RC3 will be available for us?

    Wish I knew! 4.5 RC2 is OK, but I still have odd issues with some older Poser models that open fine in Carrara and Poser Pro 2010. It'd be nice to see if any of the bazillion changes since RC2 fixed the issues. :blank:

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,583
    edited December 1969

    akulla3D said:
    Are you reinstalling the same version, or reverting from 4.5 to 4.0?

    I am trying to uninstall my current version and reinstall if fresh so I can clean up all my old content problems.

    Content (except what is installed with DS4), CMS database, and content directories do not get uninstalled when you uninstall DS4 (since you may just be upgrading). If you need to remove old content directories from DS4's list, go to "Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager". If you want to reset the CMS database, go to "Content Library > Options Menu > DB Maintenance > Reset Database", or choose a different location for the databases when you reinstall.

  • Akulla3DAkulla3D Posts: 131
    edited December 1969

    akulla3D said:
    Are you reinstalling the same version, or reverting from 4.5 to 4.0?

    I am trying to uninstall my current version and reinstall if fresh so I can clean up all my old content problems.

    Content (except what is installed with DS4), CMS database, and content directories do not get uninstalled when you uninstall DS4 (since you may just be upgrading). If you need to remove old content directories from DS4's list, go to "Edit > Preferences > Content Library > Content Directory Manager". If you want to reset the CMS database, go to "Content Library > Options Menu > DB Maintenance > Reset Database", or choose a different location for the databases when you reinstall.

    Okay thx

  • DAZ_bfurnerDAZ_bfurner Posts: 62
    edited December 1969

    The latest RC 3 for DAZ Studio is now available. You can find it here: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/4648/

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