Getting a pc with high render speed

in New Users
Hi everyone. I ve been using daz studio for a year now. And ı want purchase a desktop which will help me rendering in fast speed. Right now ı use laptop and it has got a mediocre system. ( i5 4210U - geforce 840m 8gb ddr3 ram) I would like to buy a new one but ı don't which is the most important graphics card,ram or processor for rendering. I also want to play games with it too but first rendering and games will be in the second place. If any of you guys can suggest me desktop for it ı d apriciate. By the way ı'm thinking to buy a system with gtx 970 and Intel Core i5 7500 Soket 1151 3.4GHz 6MB.
Assuming you're using the Iray render engine, I would advise a system with least 16GB of memory. If your budget will run to it, a 10XX series Nvidia GPU would be a wise investment. The 970 is a good GPU but its 4GB memory will strain to handle large complex scenes.
Whatever you buy, make sure your power supply has enough wattage to handle the demands of the processor, motherboard, GPU and all the other odds and ends.
I agree with alexhcowley - if you're doing IRay, a Nvidia 10XX is a good choice. I have a GTX 1070 and get decent times on my Iray renders. One render that I did that took 6 hours using just the CPU (before I got the card) was done in 20 minutes on the GPU.
There is a thread in The Commons SickleYield started that has a test scene in Iray ( shows various benchmarks for that scene across GPUs, CPUs and other configs.
Cheers! Been gone a long time, glad to be back!
I'll soon be building a new PC, and could use some advice - this looks like a good thread for it...
This will be primarily for rendering, though I do some basic-to-moderate video editing. I'm planning on using a GTX 1080 GPU, which from this and other posts seems like a good choice, 16GB DDR4 memory - I have had good luck with AMD processors in the past - does anyone have a preference between AMD and Intel? I'm considering an R5 1600 or 1600X. For general use the R5s and i5s should be about equal, but is there a noticable difference when rendering?