Very Short Carrara Animation For A Local Houston Festival
Steve K
Posts: 3,266
It turns out that having a month or more to do a 3 minute animation is better than having two days (48 Hour Film Project, International and well run). At least for the animator.
The Festival is in Houston the weekend of 31May, with ~25 of the best shorts.
cool - love the old games :roll:
Thanks, I still play them occasionally as PC emulations.
Great Stuff, Always enjoy your Animations. Loved seeing my old Games in this one.
Thanks. I remember feeling panic set in as "Missile Command" (the first one in the animation) got to higher levels. I'd just start firing randomly as fast as I could hit the buttons. Not a recommended strategy. :ahhh:
nice work Steve. really enjoyed watching it :)
Thanks, Ivy. I tried a couple of new things in it, using the Carrara Fire primitive for the (animated) rocket exhaust, and using Particle Illusion's "blockers" to get a 3D effect for the FX. Both were easier than I thought.
Those were some of my favorite games as a kid. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Great short Film - well done!
Thanks. I was going to use "Pong" as the granddaddy of them all, but it didn't quite fit. I did get the cabinet in there ...