Why ignores DS my joint naming for exports?
When renaming a joint and exporting the figure Daz Studio always saves the joint with the original name instead of the currently set one. As an example when renaming the "Pelvis" joint to "PelvisSuperior" DS exports it still with the name Pelvis. How can I convince DS to use my joint names?
Are you renaming or chnaging the label? The Sceen pane shows labels, not names (labels are lesss restrictive than names). How are you exporting?
I'm not sure where the name is accessible but did check any place I know of. The renaming was done in the scene window and it shows correctly in the joint editor, property hierarchy and parameters window. Is per gui only the label accessible? In the following screenshot the top is what it looks like and the bottom are the export settings. With this the Pelvis2 exports as Pelvis for me.

Edit>[Figure|Prop]>Scene Identification is the way to change the node's name.
This seems to show always the identification of the figure for me no matter what I have selected:

Hmm, I'm not sure you can rename bones come to think of it.
Yes that works and I also learned the tools have additional functions in their own context menu I wasn't aware of. So new things to experiment with. Thank you for the help.