Toon Generation Questions?

DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

Anyone else using this?  I find I can adjust the figures, but less so the materials. I find the toon hair to be a bit too cartoony, but I've found a more real world hair that works great.  However, If I try to add morpheus eyebrows, the whole face tone changes.  And that tone is different from the ears, lips, and neck skin color. Can't you just add eyebrows to a toon charaacter?


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    If you are using 'real hair' then use eyebrows to be 'real' too so fibre mesh brows from 'Oh My Brows' on that other site, or eyebrows from Dale or one of the two or three eyebrow fibre mesh products in the DAZ Store.

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,635

    I'll look into that. My work around is create a new texture jpg file in photoshop by cutting the morpheus eyebrows and pasting them onto the toon face.  Then using that for all the various surface maps.

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