How to save HD morphs? (G3F

in New Users
Hi guys,
i know how to safe morphs. But i have a figure with a lot of HD morphs and when i set to Base and 0 sub devision --> export to obj and than i apply as morph, the HD morphs are gone.
HD morphs= Lips,Hands, Feet, Breast
Is there a way to create a single fullbody morph exactly like the shape i created with all the other morphs?
In the end i just want to transfer to G8F but i cant do it when i dont know how i can safe it correctly on g3f.
I have an example for u on the hands. Hope someone can help me.

1680 x 1005 - 730K
I am going to guess that the HD morphs come from products you got from Daz since only PAs have the tools to make them. If you were to export the HD, you wouldn't be able to bring back them back as usable morphs to Studio. If you lower to base, you'd lose the details with no way to recover them when you bring the morph back. It would be better for you export without the HD morphs, to make your edits to base resolution, and then when you bring them back into Studio, reapply your HD morphs.
Than it isnt possible to transfer those HD morphs to g8f?
Only DAZ PAs have access to the tools needed to create HD morphs. So no, you can't transfer G3F HD morphs to G8F.
What is an HD morph?
Basically, it's a morph made to work on a subdivided version of the mesh rather than on the base mesh, which means it can be more detailed.
Ah thank u i didnt searched sry for the trouble. I saw there are a lot of discussions about HD morphs dont know why i didnt saw them yet.
Do HD Morphs then take longer to render? What is their main use? I'm guessing this is for more details human figure skins?
Yes its for more details on the figure. Longer to render hmm i dont know maybe some minutes more but i only use subD 2-3 (polygons).