Can you make a head follow an object/person?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I know there is a function something like "point x at x"

What I'm hoping to achive is a scenario like this.

Two people playing tennis, the ref is watching. Is there a command to say make the ref's head point at the ball so each time the ball moves, the ref is watching it. Or basketball maybe, an audience members head tracking a certain character "Point V7 head at M7"

Is that a thing? If it is, that would be awesome. If it's not and can only be done manually that's...less awesome but okay.


  • rames44rames44 Posts: 332

    If you expand a character and select the bone that says "head" (or "left eye" / "right eye" or whatever you want to automatically orient) and then go down to the parameters and click on "General", you'll find a "Look At" option which will do this.  

    "Look At" allows you to select anny object in the scene.  

    One very useful technique is to create a "null" in the scene and set the "look at" to that, which means that you can move the null around to change the position "looked at" without having to alter other stuff in the scene.



    1194 x 821 - 248K
  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Well it was worth a shot. The directions were good but the effect doesn't quite work. I made a "null" and moved it to the characters front left and did "point at" and it made the top of her head point that way, making the face look right and down. Oh well, manual works. Thanks for the tips though. They will cone in handy other ways.

  • OstadanOstadan Posts: 1,128

    I almost always create a null called 'Victoria Gaze' (or whatever) and point the character's eyes at it.  I then position the head manually; sometimes I will even rotate the entire character depending on the composition and pose.  If the head is not 100% pointed at the target, that's OK, since the eyes being slightly off-axis is probably more realistic anyway.

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