Help needed on how to make two people hold hands

in New Users
Sorry in advance, but I cant seem to find an easy way to do this, how can I set two figures to hold hands or for one to place a hand on the others shoulder, without spending ages trying to align them, there must be an easy way.
There isn't, I'm afraid, a shortcut. using IK may well help but ultimately it's a matter of posing.
Might be obvious, but you can always purchase a pose set to help get you started. I'll frequently start with a pose that is close to what I want for my render and then make the final adjustments. It's tedious but there isn't really a one click solution. If you're looking for good pose sets check out ironman13 and zeddicuss, they both have some great ones.
Check out MCasuals scripts on, specifically mcjHoldOn.
I don't think it's that difficult to create a hand pose. What I find tedious, is after you setup the perfect pose, sometimes you make adjustments to other parts of the body, and that messes up your hand alignment, either to itself or to something else, like a wall, table, etc...
What you really need is a way to lock two separate objects into alignment. Sorta like sticking a pin through both hands so they bound together. Something like this would make couple posing easier, even group poses with three or more persons.
You can parent one item to another in Scene tab. If the girl's right hand is holding the man's left hand, select her right hand in Scene, right click, and change the parent. (the man's left hand.) You simply keep opening up the bones in Scene (like mini menus) until you get down to the hands. For example, Abdomen Lower>Abdomen Upper>Chest Lower>Chest Upper> and keep going.