Alouise looks like she hasn't seen the sun in years

agamersdayagamersday Posts: 101
edited August 2017 in New Users


I bought the character Alouise and while I'm overall happy with it, the skin colour is just horrible.

When I compare it to the promo image, it's just way too white. I don't think its the lightning since the hdri I'm using works with all my other characters (iRadiance - Studio HDRIs 2 - first one). How do I give her more colour?


960 x 1248 - 213K
1280 x 720 - 514K
Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • y3kmany3kman Posts: 802

    Surfaces -> Editor -> Skin -> Translucency Weight

    I recommend you test her with different lighting first. (I don't own her figure.)

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800

    First, make sure you have the camera headlamp turned off (select the camera in your scene, go to the parameters tab, select headlamp, then turn it off). If you don't have a camera in your scene, create a new camera, select "Apply active view port transforms" (this will give you the same view in the new camera as the one you are using, which is probably the perspective view). Now select your new camera to view through in the drop down menu in the top right corner of the view port so you are using it to vier the scene, now you can turn the headlamp off using the above procedure. This should help a great deal with the color of Alouise.

    One additional note, if you haven't put any lights in the scene, go to your render settings, and select "Environment", change the "Dome Rotation" setting to 30, this should help a lot with the render results.

    Hope this helps!!

  • The Camera headlamps can be turned off globally in Render Settings under the General group.

  • agamersdayagamersday Posts: 101
    It's not about the lightning, as I said the lightning I use there works for all my other characters. Adjusting the translucency weight makes her skin look darker, which is good. But I still can't achieve it like in the promo picutres. I think he used a skin shader there.
  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    It was photoshopped a bit

  • DustRiderDustRider Posts: 2,800
    edited August 2017

    Actually, after looking at it a few more times, I'm wondering if somehow the mats/shaders on the overly white example aren't 3DL and not Iray. Just a guess, and probably a bad one. It looks like there is little or no SSS in the white render, or the lights are too bright effectely blowing out the SSS. But again, just guesses and probably wrong.

    Also keep in mind there is no "standard" lighting set up for DAZ character creators. So characters from different vendors can need adjustments to the shaders and/or lighting used to get result similar to the promos. This may not be the case here, but it does happen. I got a character once that I couldn't get to look at all like the promos. It was a DAZ original, but the PA who made it droped into my thread to help. It turned out that the promos didn't look anything like her sample reners either, the DAZ promo artist had done something to make the figures skin much lighter, but nobody could figure out how to match the results. DAZ issued an update, but the figure still rendered darker than the promos. I don't think this is the case here, but it is an extreme example of the differences lighting and shader set up can make.


    Post edited by DustRider on
  • As others mentioned it looks like the lights are too bright and it's blowing the skin out.  The skin also has Metallic Flakes Weight set which may be worsening the the lighting issue.  Here are two renders, a1 is Alouise out of the box and a2 is with  Metallic Flakes Weight set to 0 for skin/lips/nails surfaces.


    919 x 1300 - 390K
    919 x 1300 - 395K
  • agamersdayagamersday Posts: 101

    There are still some red tones on her skin that I can't seem to get

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