Sansar VR Platform

in New Users
Hello, can 3d content from Daz3D Marketplace be used at ? Any info on that appreciated... I know Turbosquid partnered with them and is allowed...
It would be against EULA. There are game licenses that can be purchased, and you would have to carefully read the EULAs (Daz3d has licenses as do some of the Published Artists) to understand how you can and cannot use items that are licensed. When in doubt, you would want to contact Daz for clarification.
Also, you should carefully research. It specifies any closed MMO such as Warcraft. Second Life is considered an open MMO and upload are not allowed. From what I"m seeing, there will be Turbosquid vendors who can sell assets in Sansar. It doesn't look like other than Turbosquid vendors could do that.
Sansar is not an MMO...its not an opened persistent world ... but official statement from Daz on Sansar would be helpful..
The Game Developer License covers complete games (or othr software), not crating add-ons for an existing game (or other software).