Not (wrong name)?

When i'm logged into the site and on the home page, I'm seeing 'not (wrong name)?', but when I click on it, I'm taken to my Account Page. I'm guessing that there are still glitches within the new site.
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When i'm logged into the site and on the home page, I'm seeing 'not (wrong name)?', but when I click on it, I'm taken to my Account Page. I'm guessing that there are still glitches within the new site.
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Yes this was a known glitch affecting the new site but it should be corrected now. Please see this:
It's not fixed because it is currently happening to me.
I believe they fixed seeing someone else's name, but it still has the problem (sometimes) of asking if you are you.
The image I'm posted was captured today. Another name was popping up earlier as well.
image removed by moderator
Still happening to me, too.
On those who are still seeing this error, did you try clearing your cache to be sure it isn't a browser caching issue? If so please let me know what browser you are using etc so I can pass that on. Or rather pass on the link to this thread so they can see if there is anything else that could be causing it to not show as resolved for some of you :) If you want to show screenshots to help, please e-mail those to me instead of posting them, aanderson @ (please remove the spaces before and after the @ symbol before sending)
Okay, i had deleted everything in my browser history. I had even did my disk cleaning option in my window explorer and "Not (Wrong Name)? had come up again.
My web browser is Explorer 9.
:( It has stopped doing it for me and some others finally. Maybe if others still seeing it can post their browser etc as well we can get to the bottom of why it is lingering still for some and not for others. Please anyone seeing this issue still post what browser and version number (9.1.2 or whatever -usually in your About or help menu) and I'll be sure if I don't come up with something to try between now and then that they definitely take a look tomorrow to see what they can figure out as to why. Thanks to all those helping us to pinpoint this :) We greatly appreciate it! :)
PS I corrected my email address so you can see it now to send in screenshots...sorry about that. I forgot the forum software frowns upon the posting of email addys so we have to put spaces in it to work around it ::headdesk:: it's there now though :)
My exact browser is Internet explorer version 9.0.8112.16421IC
Using Firefox 13. At the moment, not seeing the problem. Will keep my fingers crossed.
I am however having a different problem. My user name and password are appearing in the login fields when I go to the login page. I religiously untick the "Remember me" box and my cache and cookies are set to clear every time I close Firefox. It is unsettling to see my name AND password displayed before I've had a chance to enter them.
Showing your name and password should be a browser setting, not the Remember Me button - that just keeps you logged in between sessions, though it should require authorisation before it lets you access a secure area.
Thanks, Richard. Just upgraded Firefox and for some odd reason my security settings changed. All fixed now.
saw it just now , using ie9, wasn't there a few days ago...but its back
and if i log in at the store then go to the forum it makes me log in