Fit genesis 3 clothes to V4?

in New Users
Sorry that I have to make a second thread. I want to fit G3F clothes to Victoria 4.2 and found this plugin but it says its for genesis 3. Can I still use it or is there another one for victoria 4?
I don't think there is an automatic tool to go in that diection. Going to a Genesis figure is easier than going to a Poser figure as the rigging is simpler to tansfer.
Autofit doesn't exist for generation 4 figures, as it works only for weighmapped figures.
Sickleyield has clone products that take clothing backwards to Genesis. And the Cross Dresser program is capable of converting clothing from one character to another, including taking stuff from Genesis to V4, V3, etc. There are instructions on their website, I haven't tried that, but have been meaning to as I have both products.